Source code for devito.operator.operator

from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from operator import attrgetter
from math import ceil

from cached_property import cached_property
import ctypes

from devito.arch import compiler_registry, platform_registry
from import default_allocator
from devito.exceptions import InvalidOperator
from devito.logger import debug, info, perf, warning, is_log_enabled_for
from import LoweredEq, lower_exprs
from import ClusterGroup, clusterize
from import (Callable, CInterface, EntryFunction, FindSymbols, MetaCall,
                           derive_parameters, iet_build)
from import AccessMode, SymbolRegistry
from import stree_build
from devito.operator.profiling import AdvancedProfilerVerbose, create_profile
from devito.operator.registry import operator_selector
from devito.mpi import MPI
from devito.parameters import configuration
from devito.passes import (Graph, lower_index_derivatives, generate_implicit,
                           generate_macros, minimize_symbols, unevaluate)
from devito.symbolics import estimate_cost
from import (DAG, OrderedSet, Signer, ReducerMap, as_tuple, flatten,
                          filter_sorted, frozendict, is_integer, split, timed_pass,
                          timed_region, contains_val)
from devito.types import Grid, Evaluable

__all__ = ['Operator']

[docs] class Operator(Callable): """ Generate, JIT-compile and run C code starting from an ordered sequence of symbolic expressions. Parameters ---------- expressions : expr-like or list or expr-like The (list of) expression(s) defining the Operator computation. **kwargs * name : str Name of the Operator, defaults to "Kernel". * subs : dict Symbolic substitutions to be applied to ``expressions``. * opt : str The performance optimization level. Defaults to ``configuration['opt']``. * language : str The target language for shared-memory parallelism. Defaults to ``configuration['language']``. * platform : str The architecture the code is generated for. Defaults to ``configuration['platform']``. * compiler : str The backend compiler used to jit-compile the generated code. Defaults to ``configuration['compiler']``. Examples -------- The following Operator implements a trivial time-marching method that adds 1 to every grid point in ``u`` at every timestep. >>> from devito import Eq, Grid, TimeFunction, Operator >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4)) >>> u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) >>> op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, u + 1)) Multiple expressions can be supplied, and there is no limit to the number of expressions in an Operator. >>> v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid) >>> op = Operator([Eq(u.forward, u + 1), ... Eq(v.forward, v + 1)]) Simple boundary conditions can be imposed easily exploiting the "indexed notation" for Functions/TimeFunctions. >>> t = grid.stepping_dim >>> x, y = grid.dimensions >>> op = Operator([Eq(u.forward, u + 1), ... Eq(u[t+1, x, 0], 0), ... Eq(u[t+1, x, 2], 0), ... Eq(u[t+1, 0, y], 0), ... Eq(u[t+1, 2, y], 0)]) A semantically equivalent computation can be expressed exploiting SubDomains. >>>[:] = 0 >>> op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, u + 1, subdomain=grid.interior)) By specifying a SubDomain, the Operator constrains the execution of an expression to a certain sub-region within the computational domain. Ad-hoc SubDomains can also be created in application code -- refer to the SubDomain documentation for more info. Advanced boundary conditions can be expressed leveraging `SubDomain` and `SubDimension`. Tensor contractions are supported, but with one caveat: in case of MPI execution, any global reductions along an MPI-distributed Dimension should be handled explicitly in user code. The following example shows how to implement the matrix-vector multiplication ``Av = b`` (inducing a reduction along ``y``). >>> from devito import Inc, Function >>> A = Function(name='A', grid=grid) >>> v = Function(name='v', shape=(3,), dimensions=(y,)) >>> b = Function(name='b', shape=(3,), dimensions=(x,)) >>> op = Operator(Inc(b, A*v)) Dense and sparse computation may be present within the same Operator. In the following example, interpolation is used to approximate the value of four sparse points placed at the center of the four quadrants at the grid corners. >>> import numpy as np >>> from devito import SparseFunction >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4), extent=(3.0, 3.0)) >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid) >>> coordinates = np.array([(0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 2.5), (2.5, 0.5), (2.5, 2.5)]) >>> sf = SparseFunction(name='sf', grid=grid, npoint=4, coordinates=coordinates) >>> op = Operator([Eq(f, f + 1)] + sf.interpolate(f)) The iteration direction is automatically detected by the Devito compiler. Below, the Operator runs from ``time_M`` (maximum point in the time dimension) down to ``time_m`` (minimum point in the time dimension), as opposed to all of the examples seen so far, in which the execution along time proceeds from ``time_m`` to ``time_M`` through unit-step increments. >>> op = Operator(Eq(u.backward, u + 1)) Loop-level optimisations, including SIMD vectorisation and OpenMP parallelism, are automatically discovered and handled by the Devito compiler. For more information, refer to the relevant documentation. """ _default_headers = [('_POSIX_C_SOURCE', '200809L')] _default_includes = ['stdlib.h', 'math.h', 'sys/time.h'] _default_globals = [] def __new__(cls, expressions, **kwargs): if expressions is None: # Return a dummy Callable. This is exploited by unpickling. Users # can't do anything useful with it return super(Operator, cls).__new__(cls, **kwargs) # Parse input arguments kwargs = parse_kwargs(**kwargs) # The Operator type for the given target cls = operator_selector(**kwargs) # Normalize input arguments for the selected Operator kwargs = cls._normalize_kwargs(**kwargs) cls._check_kwargs(**kwargs) # Lower to a JIT-compilable object with timed_region('op-compile') as r: op = cls._build(expressions, **kwargs) op._profiler.py_timers.update(r.timings) # Emit info about how long it took to perform the lowering op._emit_build_profiling() return op @classmethod def _normalize_kwargs(cls, **kwargs): return kwargs @classmethod def _check_kwargs(cls, **kwargs): return @classmethod def _build(cls, expressions, **kwargs): # Python- (i.e., compile-) and C-level (i.e., run-time) performance profiler = create_profile('timers') # Lower the input expressions into an IET irs, byproduct = cls._lower(expressions, profiler=profiler, **kwargs) # Make it an actual Operator op = Callable.__new__(cls, **irs.iet.args) Callable.__init__(op, **op.args) # Header files, etc. op._headers = OrderedSet(*cls._default_headers) op._headers.update(byproduct.headers) op._globals = OrderedSet(*cls._default_globals) op._globals.update(byproduct.globals) op._includes = OrderedSet(*cls._default_includes) op._includes.update(profiler._default_includes) op._includes.update(byproduct.includes) # Required for the jit-compilation op._compiler = kwargs['compiler'] op._language = kwargs['language'] op._lib = None op._cfunction = None # Potentially required for lazily allocated Functions op._mode = kwargs['mode'] op._options = kwargs['options'] op._allocator = kwargs['allocator'] op._platform = kwargs['platform'] # References to local or external routines op._func_table = OrderedDict() op._func_table.update(OrderedDict([(i, MetaCall(None, False)) for i in profiler._ext_calls])) op._func_table.update(OrderedDict([(, i) for i in byproduct.funcs])) # Internal mutable state to store information about previous runs, autotuning # reports, etc op._state = cls._initialize_state(**kwargs) # Produced by the various compilation passes op._reads = filter_sorted(flatten(e.reads for e in irs.expressions)) op._writes = filter_sorted(flatten(e.writes for e in irs.expressions)) op._dimensions = set().union(*[e.dimensions for e in irs.expressions]) op._dtype, op._dspace = irs.clusters.meta op._profiler = profiler return op def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Bypass the silent call to __init__ triggered through the backends engine pass # Compilation -- Expression level @classmethod def _lower(cls, expressions, **kwargs): """ Perform the lowering Expressions -> Clusters -> ScheduleTree -> IET. """ # Create a symbol registry kwargs.setdefault('sregistry', SymbolRegistry()) expressions = as_tuple(expressions) # Input check if any(not isinstance(i, Evaluable) for i in expressions): raise InvalidOperator("Only `devito.Evaluable` are allowed.") # Enable recursive lowering # This may be used by a compilation pass that constructs a new # expression for which a partial or complete lowering is desired kwargs['rcompile'] = cls._rcompile_wrapper(**kwargs) # [Eq] -> [LoweredEq] expressions = cls._lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs) # [LoweredEq] -> [Clusters] clusters = cls._lower_clusters(expressions, **kwargs) # [Clusters] -> ScheduleTree stree = cls._lower_stree(clusters, **kwargs) # ScheduleTree -> unbounded IET uiet = cls._lower_uiet(stree, **kwargs) # unbounded IET -> IET iet, byproduct = cls._lower_iet(uiet, **kwargs) return IRs(expressions, clusters, stree, uiet, iet), byproduct @classmethod def _rcompile_wrapper(cls, **kwargs): def wrapper(expressions, kwargs=kwargs): return rcompile(expressions, kwargs) return wrapper @classmethod def _initialize_state(cls, **kwargs): return {} @classmethod def _specialize_dsl(cls, expressions, **kwargs): """ Backend hook for specialization at the DSL level. The input is made of expressions and other higher order objects such as Injection or Interpolation; the expressions are still unevaluated at this stage, meaning that they are still in tensorial form and derivatives aren't expanded yet. """ return expressions @classmethod def _specialize_exprs(cls, expressions, **kwargs): """ Backend hook for specialization at the expression level. """ return expressions @classmethod @timed_pass(name='lowering.Expressions') def _lower_exprs(cls, expressions, **kwargs): """ Expression lowering: * Apply rewrite rules; * Evaluate derivatives; * Flatten vectorial equations; * Indexify Functions; * Apply substitution rules; * Shift indices for domain alignment. """ expand = kwargs['options'].get('expand', True) # Specialization is performed on unevaluated expressions expressions = cls._specialize_dsl(expressions, **kwargs) # Lower functional DSL expressions = flatten([i._evaluate(expand=expand) for i in expressions]) expressions = [j for i in expressions for j in i._flatten] # A second round of specialization is performed on evaluated expressions expressions = cls._specialize_exprs(expressions, **kwargs) # "True" lowering (indexification, shifting, ...) expressions = lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs) processed = [LoweredEq(i) for i in expressions] return processed # Compilation -- Cluster level @classmethod def _specialize_clusters(cls, clusters, **kwargs): """ Backend hook for specialization at the Cluster level. """ return clusters @classmethod @timed_pass(name='lowering.Clusters') def _lower_clusters(cls, expressions, profiler=None, **kwargs): """ Clusters lowering: * Group expressions into Clusters; * Introduce guards for conditional Clusters; * Analyze Clusters to detect computational properties such as parallelism. * Optimize Clusters for performance """ sregistry = kwargs['sregistry'] # Build a sequence of Clusters from a sequence of Eqs clusters = clusterize(expressions, **kwargs) # Operation count before specialization init_ops = sum(estimate_cost(c.exprs) for c in clusters if c.is_dense) clusters = cls._specialize_clusters(clusters, **kwargs) # Operation count after specialization final_ops = sum(estimate_cost(c.exprs) for c in clusters if c.is_dense) try: profiler.record_ops_variation(init_ops, final_ops) except AttributeError: pass # Generate implicit Clusters from higher level abstractions clusters = generate_implicit(clusters, sregistry=sregistry) # Lower all remaining high order symbolic objects clusters = lower_index_derivatives(clusters, **kwargs) # Make sure no reconstructions can unpick any of the symbolic # optimizations performed so far clusters = unevaluate(clusters) return ClusterGroup(clusters) # Compilation -- ScheduleTree level @classmethod def _specialize_stree(cls, stree, **kwargs): """ Backend hook for specialization at the Schedule tree level. """ return stree @classmethod @timed_pass(name='lowering.ScheduleTree') def _lower_stree(cls, clusters, **kwargs): """ Schedule tree lowering: * Turn a sequence of Clusters into a ScheduleTree; * Derive and attach metadata for distributed-memory parallelism; * Derive sections for performance profiling """ # Build a ScheduleTree from a sequence of Clusters stree = stree_build(clusters, **kwargs) stree = cls._specialize_stree(stree) return stree # Compilation -- Iteration/Expression tree level @classmethod def _specialize_iet(cls, graph, **kwargs): """ Backend hook for specialization at the Iteration/Expression tree level. """ return graph @classmethod @timed_pass(name='lowering.uIET') def _lower_uiet(cls, stree, profiler=None, **kwargs): """ Turn a ScheduleTree into an unbounded Iteration/Expression tree, that is in essence a "floating" IET where one or more variables may be unbounded (i.e., no definition placed yet). """ # Build an unbounded IET from a ScheduleTree uiet = iet_build(stree) # Analyze the IET Sections for C-level profiling try: profiler.analyze(uiet) except AttributeError: pass return uiet @classmethod @timed_pass(name='lowering.IET') def _lower_iet(cls, uiet, profiler=None, **kwargs): """ Iteration/Expression tree lowering: * Introduce distributed-memory, shared-memory, and SIMD parallelism; * Introduce optimizations for data locality; * Finalize (e.g., symbol definitions, array casts) """ name = kwargs.get("name", "Kernel") sregistry = kwargs['sregistry'] # Wrap the IET with an EntryFunction (a special Callable representing # the entry point of the generated library) parameters = derive_parameters(uiet, True) iet = EntryFunction(name, uiet, 'int', parameters, ()) # Lower IET to a target-specific IET graph = Graph(iet, sregistry=sregistry) graph = cls._specialize_iet(graph, **kwargs) # Instrument the IET for C-level profiling # Note: this is postponed until after _specialize_iet because during # specialization further Sections may be introduced cls._Target.instrument(graph, profiler=profiler, **kwargs) # Extract the necessary macros from the symbolic objects generate_macros(graph) # Target-independent optimizations minimize_symbols(graph) return graph.root, graph # Read-only properties exposed to the outside world @cached_property def reads(self): return tuple(self._reads) @cached_property def writes(self): return tuple(self._writes) @cached_property def dimensions(self): ret = set().union(*[d._defines for d in self._dimensions]) # During compilation other Dimensions may have been produced dimensions = FindSymbols('dimensions').visit(self) ret.update(d for d in dimensions if d.is_PerfKnob) ret = tuple(sorted(ret, key=attrgetter('name'))) return ret @cached_property def input(self): return tuple(i for i in self.parameters if i.is_Input) @cached_property def temporaries(self): return tuple(i for i in self.parameters if i.is_TempFunction) @cached_property def objects(self): return tuple(i for i in self.parameters if i.is_Object) # Arguments processing @cached_property def _access_modes(self): """ A table providing the AccessMode of all user-accessible symbols in `self`. """ return frozendict({i: AccessMode(i in self.reads, i in self.writes) for i in self.input}) def _prepare_arguments(self, autotune=None, **kwargs): """ Process runtime arguments passed to ``.apply()` and derive default values for any remaining arguments. """ # Sanity check -- all user-provided keywords must be known to the Operator if not configuration['ignore-unknowns']: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._known_arguments: raise ValueError("Unrecognized argument %s=%s" % (k, v)) # Pre-process Dimension overrides. This may help ruling out ambiguities # when processing the `defaults` arguments. A topological sorting is used # as DerivedDimensions may depend on their parents nodes = self.dimensions edges = [(i, i.parent) for i in self.dimensions if i.is_Derived and i.parent in set(nodes)] toposort = DAG(nodes, edges).topological_sort() futures = {} for d in reversed(toposort): if set(d._arg_names).intersection(kwargs): futures.update(d._arg_values(self._dspace[d], args={}, **kwargs)) overrides, defaults = split(self.input, lambda p: in kwargs) # Process data-carrier overrides args = kwargs['args'] = ReducerMap() for p in overrides: args.update(p._arg_values(**kwargs)) try: args.reduce_inplace() except ValueError: raise ValueError("Override `%s` is incompatible with overrides `%s`" % (p, [i for i in overrides if in args])) # Process data-carrier defaults for p in defaults: if in args: # E.g., SubFunctions continue for k, v in p._arg_values(**kwargs).items(): if k not in args: args[k] = v elif k in futures: # An explicit override is later going to set `args[k]` pass elif k in kwargs: # User is in control # E.g., given a ConditionalDimension `t_sub` with factor `fact` and # a TimeFunction `usave(t_sub, x, y)`, an override for `fact` is # supplied w/o overriding `usave`; that's legal pass elif is_integer(args[k]) and not contains_val(args[k], v): raise ValueError("Default `%s` is incompatible with other args as " "`%s=%s`, while `%s=%s` is expected. Perhaps you " "forgot to override `%s`?" % (p, k, v, k, args[k], p)) args = kwargs['args'] = args.reduce_all() # DiscreteFunctions may be created from CartesianDiscretizations, which in # turn could be Grids or SubDomains. Both may provide arguments discretizations = {getattr(kwargs[], 'grid', None) for p in overrides} discretizations.update({getattr(p, 'grid', None) for p in defaults}) discretizations.discard(None) # Remove subgrids if multiple grids if len(discretizations) > 1: discretizations = {g for g in discretizations if not any(d.is_Derived for d in g.dimensions)} for i in discretizations: args.update(i._arg_values(**kwargs)) # There can only be one Grid from which DiscreteFunctions were created grids = {i for i in discretizations if isinstance(i, Grid)} if len(grids) > 1: # We loosely tolerate multiple Grids for backwards compatibility # with spacial subsampling, which should be revisited however. And # With MPI it would definitely break! if configuration['mpi']: raise ValueError("Multiple Grids found") try: grid = grids.pop() except KeyError: grid = None # An ArgumentsMap carries additional metadata that may be used by # the subsequent phases of the arguments processing args = kwargs['args'] = ArgumentsMap(args, grid, self) # Process Dimensions for d in reversed(toposort): args.update(d._arg_values(self._dspace[d], grid, **kwargs)) # Process Objects for o in self.objects: args.update(o._arg_values(grid=grid, **kwargs)) # In some "lower-level" Operators implementing a random piece of C, such as # one or more calls to third-party library functions, there could still be # at this point unprocessed arguments (e.g., scalars) kwargs.pop('args') args.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in args}) # Sanity check for p in self.parameters: p._arg_check(args, self._dspace[p], am=self._access_modes.get(p)) for d in self.dimensions: if d.is_Derived: d._arg_check(args, self._dspace[p]) # Turn arguments into a format suitable for the generated code # E.g., instead of NumPy arrays for Functions, the generated code expects # pointers to ctypes.Struct for p in self.parameters: try: args.update(kwargs.get(, p)._arg_finalize(args, alias=p)) except AttributeError: # User-provided floats/ndarray obviously do not have `_arg_finalize` args.update(p._arg_finalize(args, alias=p)) # Execute autotuning and adjust arguments accordingly args.update(self._autotune(args, autotune or configuration['autotuning'])) return args def _postprocess_arguments(self, args, **kwargs): """Process runtime arguments upon returning from ``.apply()``.""" for p in self.parameters: try: subfuncs = (args[getattr(p, s).name] for s in p._sub_functions) p._arg_apply(args[], *subfuncs, alias=kwargs.get( except AttributeError: p._arg_apply(args[], alias=kwargs.get( @cached_property def _known_arguments(self): """The arguments that can be passed to ``apply`` when running the Operator.""" ret = set() for i in self.input: ret.update(i._arg_names) try: ret.update(i.grid._arg_names) except AttributeError: pass for d in self.dimensions: ret.update(d._arg_names) ret.update( for p in self.parameters) return frozenset(ret) def _autotune(self, args, setup): """Auto-tuning to improve runtime performance.""" return args
[docs] def arguments(self, **kwargs): """Arguments to run the Operator.""" args = self._prepare_arguments(**kwargs) # Check all arguments are present for p in self.parameters: if args.get( is None: raise ValueError("No value found for parameter %s" % return args
# Code generation and JIT compilation @cached_property def _soname(self): """A unique name for the shared object resulting from JIT compilation.""" return Signer._digest(self, configuration) @cached_property def ccode(self): try: return self._ccode_handler(compiler=self._compiler).visit(self) except (AttributeError, TypeError): from import CGen return CGen(compiler=self._compiler).visit(self) def _jit_compile(self): """ JIT-compile the C code generated by the Operator. It is ensured that JIT compilation will only be performed once per Operator, reagardless of how many times this method is invoked. """ if self._lib is None: with self._profiler.timer_on('jit-compile'): recompiled, src_file = self._compiler.jit_compile(self._soname, str(self.ccode)) elapsed = self._profiler.py_timers['jit-compile'] if recompiled: perf("Operator `%s` jit-compiled `%s` in %.2f s with `%s`" % (, src_file, elapsed, self._compiler)) else: perf("Operator `%s` fetched `%s` in %.2f s from jit-cache" % (, src_file, elapsed)) @property def cfunction(self): """The JIT-compiled C function as a ctypes.FuncPtr object.""" if self._lib is None: self._jit_compile() self._lib = self._compiler.load(self._soname) = self._soname if self._cfunction is None: self._cfunction = getattr(self._lib, # Associate a C type to each argument for runtime type check self._cfunction.argtypes = [i._C_ctype for i in self.parameters] return self._cfunction
[docs] def cinterface(self, force=False): """ Generate two files under the prescribed temporary directory: * `X.c` (or `X.cpp`): the code generated for this Operator; * `X.h`: an header file representing the interface of `X.c`. Where ``. Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional Overwrite any existing files. Defaults to False. """ dest = self._compiler.get_jit_dir() name = dest.joinpath( cfile = name.with_suffix(".%s" % self._compiler.src_ext) hfile = name.with_suffix('.h') # Generate the .c and .h code ccode, hcode = CInterface().visit(self) for f, code in [(cfile, ccode), (hfile, hcode)]: if not force and f.is_file(): debug("`%s` was not saved in `%s` as it already exists" % (, dest)) else: with open(str(f), 'w') as ff: ff.write(str(code)) debug("`%s` successfully saved in `%s`" % (, dest)) return ccode, hcode
# Execution def __call__(self, **kwargs): return self.apply(**kwargs)
[docs] def apply(self, **kwargs): """ Execute the Operator. With no arguments provided, the Operator runs using the data carried by the objects appearing in the input expressions -- these are referred to as the "default arguments". Optionally, any of the Operator default arguments may be replaced by passing suitable key-value arguments. Given ``apply(k=v, ...)``, ``(k, v)`` may be used to: * replace a Constant. In this case, ``k`` is the name of the Constant, ``v`` is either a Constant or a scalar value. * replace a Function (SparseFunction). Here, ``k`` is the name of the Function, ``v`` is either a Function or a numpy.ndarray. * alter the iteration interval along a Dimension. Consider a generic Dimension ``d`` iterated over by the Operator. By default, the Operator runs over all iterations within the compact interval ``[d_m, d_M]``, where ``d_m`` and ``d_M`` are, respectively, the smallest and largest integers not causing out-of-bounds memory accesses (for the Grid Dimensions, this typically implies iterating over the entire physical domain). So now ``k`` can be either ``d_m`` or ``d_M``, while ``v`` is an integer value. Examples -------- Consider the following Operator >>> from devito import Eq, Grid, TimeFunction, Operator >>> grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3)) >>> u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=3) >>> op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, u + 1)) The Operator is run by calling ``apply`` >>> summary = op.apply() The variable ``summary`` contains information about runtime performance. As no key-value parameters are specified, the Operator runs with its default arguments, namely ``u=u, x_m=0, x_M=2, y_m=0, y_M=2, time_m=0, time_M=1``. At this point, the same Operator can be used for a completely different run, for example >>> u2 = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=5) >>> summary = op.apply(u=u2, x_m=1, y_M=1) Now, the Operator will run with a different set of arguments, namely ``u=u2, x_m=1, x_M=2, y_m=0, y_M=1, time_m=0, time_M=3``. To run an Operator that only uses buffered TimeFunctions, the maximum iteration point along the time dimension must be explicitly specified (otherwise, the Operator wouldn't know how many iterations to run). >>> u3 = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) >>> op = Operator(Eq(u3.forward, u3 + 1)) >>> summary = op.apply(time_M=10) """ # Build the arguments list to invoke the kernel function with self._profiler.timer_on('arguments'): args = self.arguments(**kwargs) # Invoke kernel function with args arg_values = [args[] for p in self.parameters] try: cfunction = self.cfunction with self._profiler.timer_on('apply', comm=args.comm): cfunction(*arg_values) except ctypes.ArgumentError as e: if e.args[0].startswith("argument "): argnum = int(e.args[0][9:].split(':')[0]) - 1 newmsg = "error in argument '%s' with value '%s': %s" % ( self.parameters[argnum].name, arg_values[argnum], e.args[0]) raise ctypes.ArgumentError(newmsg) from e else: raise # Post-process runtime arguments self._postprocess_arguments(args, **kwargs) # Output summary of performance achieved return self._emit_apply_profiling(args)
# Performance profiling def _emit_build_profiling(self): if not is_log_enabled_for('PERF'): return # Rounder to K decimal places fround = lambda i, n=100: ceil(i * n) / n timings = self._profiler.py_timers.copy() tot = timings.pop('op-compile') perf("Operator `%s` generated in %.2f s" % (, fround(tot))) max_hotspots = 3 threshold = 20. def _emit_timings(timings, indent=''): timings.pop('total', None) entries = sorted(timings, key=lambda i: timings[i]['total'], reverse=True) for i in entries[:max_hotspots]: v = fround(timings[i]['total']) perc = fround(v/tot*100, n=10) if perc > threshold: perf("%s%s: %.2f s (%.1f %%)" % (indent, i.lstrip('_'), v, perc)) _emit_timings(timings[i], ' '*len(indent) + ' * ') _emit_timings(timings, ' * ') if self._profiler._ops: ops = ['%d --> %d' % i for i in self._profiler._ops] perf("Flops reduction after symbolic optimization: [%s]" % ' ; '.join(ops)) def _emit_apply_profiling(self, args): """Produce a performance summary of the profiled sections.""" # Rounder to 2 decimal places fround = lambda i: ceil(i * 100) / 100 elapsed = fround(self._profiler.py_timers['apply']) info("Operator `%s` ran in %.2f s" % (, elapsed)) summary = self._profiler.summary(args, self._dtype, reduce_over=elapsed) if not is_log_enabled_for('PERF'): # Do not waste time return summary if summary.globals: # Note that with MPI enabled, the global performance indicators # represent "cross-rank" performance data metrics = [] v = summary.globals.get('vanilla') if v is not None: metrics.append("OI=%.2f" % fround(v.oi)) metrics.append("%.2f GFlops/s" % fround(v.gflopss)) v = summary.globals.get('fdlike') if v is not None: metrics.append("%.2f GPts/s" % fround(v.gpointss)) if metrics: perf("Global performance: [%s]" % ', '.join(metrics)) perf("Local performance:") indent = " "*2 else: indent = "" if isinstance(self._profiler, AdvancedProfilerVerbose): metrics = [] v = summary.globals.get('fdlike-nosetup') if v is not None: metrics.append("%.2f GPts/s" % fround(v.gpointss)) if metrics: perf("Global performance <w/o setup>: [%s]" % ', '.join(metrics)) # Emit local, i.e. "per-rank" performance. Without MPI, this is the only # thing that will be emitted for k, v in summary.items(): rank = "[rank%d]" % k.rank if k.rank is not None else "" if v.gflopss: oi = "OI=%.2f" % fround(v.oi) gflopss = "%.2f GFlops/s" % fround(v.gflopss) gpointss = "%.2f GPts/s" % fround(v.gpointss) metrics = "[%s]" % ", ".join([oi, gflopss, gpointss]) else: metrics = "" itershapes = [",".join(str(i) for i in its) for its in v.itershapes] if len(itershapes) > 1: itershapes = ",".join("<%s>" % i for i in itershapes) elif len(itershapes) == 1: itershapes = itershapes[0] else: itershapes = "" name = "%s%s<%s>" % (, rank, itershapes) perf("%s* %s ran in %.2f s %s" % (indent, name, fround(v.time), metrics)) for n, time in summary.subsections.get(, {}).items(): perf("%s+ %s ran in %.2f s [%.2f%%]" % (indent*2, n, time, fround(time/v.time*100))) # Emit performance mode and arguments perf_args = {} for i in self.input + self.dimensions: if not i.is_PerfKnob: continue try: perf_args[] = args[] except KeyError: # Try with the aliases for a in i._arg_names: if a in args: perf_args[a] = args[a] break perf("Performance[mode=%s] arguments: %s" % (self._mode, perf_args)) return summary # Pickling support def __getstate__(self): if self._lib: state = dict(self.__dict__) # The compiled shared-object will be pickled; upon unpickling, it # will be restored into a potentially different temporary directory, # so the entire process during which the shared-object is loaded and # given to ctypes must be performed again state['_lib'] = None state['_cfunction'] = None # Do not pickle the `args` used to construct the Operator. Not only # would this be completely useless, but it might also lead to # allocating additional memory upon unpickling, as the user-provided # equations typically carry different instances of the same Function # (e.g., f(t, x-1), f(t, x), f(t, x+1)), which are different objects # with distinct `.data` fields state['_args'] = None with open(self._lib._name, 'rb') as f: state['binary'] = state['soname'] = self._soname return state else: return self.__dict__ def __getnewargs_ex__(self): return (None,), {} def __setstate__(self, state): soname = state.pop('soname', None) binary = state.pop('binary', None) for k, v in state.items(): setattr(self, k, v) if soname is not None:, binary) self._lib = self._compiler.load(soname) = soname
# Default action (perform or bypass) for selected compilation passes upon # recursive compilation # NOTE: it may not only be pointless to apply the following passes recursively # (because once, during the main compilation phase, is simply enough), but also # dangerous as some of them (the minority) might break in some circumstances # if applied in cascade (e.g., `linearization` on top of `linearization`) rcompile_registry = { 'mpi': False, 'linearize': False, 'place-transfers': False } def rcompile(expressions, kwargs=None): """ Perform recursive compilation on an ordered sequence of symbolic expressions. """ if not kwargs or 'options' not in kwargs: kwargs = parse_kwargs(**kwargs) cls = operator_selector(**kwargs) kwargs = cls._normalize_kwargs(**kwargs) else: cls = operator_selector(**kwargs) # Tweak the compilation kwargs options = dict(kwargs['options']) options.update(rcompile_registry) kwargs['options'] = options # Recursive profiling not supported -- would be a complete mess kwargs.pop('profiler', None) return cls._lower(expressions, **kwargs) # Misc helpers IRs = namedtuple('IRs', 'expressions clusters stree uiet iet') class ArgumentsMap(dict): def __init__(self, args, grid, op): super().__init__(args) self.grid = grid self.allocator = op._allocator self.platform = op._platform self.language = op._language self.compiler = op._compiler self.options = op._options @property def comm(self): """The MPI communicator the arguments are collective over.""" return self.grid.comm if self.grid is not None else MPI.COMM_NULL @property def opkwargs(self): temp_registry = {v: k for k, v in platform_registry.items()} platform = temp_registry[self.platform] temp_registry = {v: k for k, v in compiler_registry.items()} compiler = temp_registry[self.compiler.__class__] return {'platform': platform, 'compiler': compiler, 'language': self.language} def parse_kwargs(**kwargs): """ Parse keyword arguments provided to an Operator. """ # `dse` -- deprecated, dropped dse = kwargs.pop("dse", None) if dse is not None: warning("The `dse` argument is deprecated. " "The optimization level is now controlled via the `opt` argument") # `dle` -- deprecated, replaced by `opt` if 'dle' in kwargs: warning("The `dle` argument is deprecated. " "The optimization level is now controlled via the `opt` argument") dle = kwargs.pop('dle') if 'opt' in kwargs: warning("Both `dle` and `opt` were passed; ignoring `dle` argument") opt = kwargs.pop('opt') else: warning("Setting `opt=%s`" % str(dle)) opt = dle elif 'opt' in kwargs: opt = kwargs.pop('opt') else: opt = configuration['opt'] if not opt or isinstance(opt, str): mode, options = opt, {} elif isinstance(opt, tuple): if len(opt) == 0: mode, options = 'noop', {} elif isinstance(opt[-1], dict): if len(opt) == 2: mode, options = opt else: mode, options = tuple(flatten(i.split(',') for i in opt[:-1])), opt[-1] else: mode, options = tuple(flatten(i.split(',') for i in opt)), {} else: raise InvalidOperator("Illegal `opt=%s`" % str(opt)) # `opt`, deprecated kwargs kwopenmp = kwargs.get('openmp', options.get('openmp')) if kwopenmp is None: openmp = kwargs.get('language', configuration['language']) == 'openmp' else: openmp = kwopenmp # `opt`, options options = dict(options) options.setdefault('openmp', openmp) options.setdefault('mpi', configuration['mpi']) for k, v in configuration['opt-options'].items(): options.setdefault(k, v) # Handle deprecations deprecated_options = ('cire-mincost-inv', 'cire-mincost-sops', 'cire-maxalias') for i in deprecated_options: try: options.pop(i) warning("Ignoring deprecated optimization option `%s`" % i) except KeyError: pass kwargs['options'] = options # `opt`, mode if mode is None: mode = 'noop' kwargs['mode'] = mode # `platform` platform = kwargs.get('platform') if platform is not None: if not isinstance(platform, str): raise ValueError("Argument `platform` should be a `str`") if platform not in configuration._accepted['platform']: raise InvalidOperator("Illegal `platform=%s`" % str(platform)) kwargs['platform'] = platform_registry[platform]() else: kwargs['platform'] = configuration['platform'] # `language` language = kwargs.get('language') if language is not None: if not isinstance(language, str): raise ValueError("Argument `language` should be a `str`") if language not in configuration._accepted['language']: raise InvalidOperator("Illegal `language=%s`" % str(language)) kwargs['language'] = language elif kwopenmp is not None: # Handle deprecated `openmp` kwarg for backward compatibility kwargs['language'] = 'openmp' if openmp else 'C' else: kwargs['language'] = configuration['language'] # `compiler` compiler = kwargs.get('compiler') if compiler is not None: if not isinstance(compiler, str): raise ValueError("Argument `compiler` should be a `str`") if compiler not in configuration._accepted['compiler']: raise InvalidOperator("Illegal `compiler=%s`" % str(compiler)) kwargs['compiler'] = compiler_registry[compiler](platform=kwargs['platform'], language=kwargs['language'], mpi=configuration['mpi']) elif any([platform, language]): kwargs['compiler'] =\ configuration['compiler'].__new_with__(platform=kwargs['platform'], language=kwargs['language'], mpi=configuration['mpi']) else: kwargs['compiler'] = configuration['compiler'].__new_with__() # `allocator` kwargs['allocator'] = default_allocator( '%s.%s.%s' % (kwargs['compiler'].name, kwargs['language'], kwargs['platform']) ) return kwargs