Source code for devito.types.dense

from collections import namedtuple
from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, c_int, c_ulong, c_void_p, cast, byref
from functools import wraps, reduce
from math import ceil
from operator import mul

import numpy as np
import sympy
from psutil import virtual_memory
from cached_property import cached_property

from devito.builtins import assign
                         Data, default_allocator)
from devito.exceptions import InvalidArgument
from devito.logger import debug, warning
from devito.mpi import MPI
from devito.parameters import configuration
from devito.symbolics import FieldFromPointer, normalize_args
from devito.finite_differences import Differentiable, generate_fd_shortcuts
from import (ReducerMap, as_tuple, c_restrict_void_p, flatten, is_integer,
                          memoized_meth, dtype_to_ctype, humanbytes)
from devito.types.dimension import Dimension
from devito.types.args import ArgProvider
from devito.types.caching import CacheManager
from devito.types.basic import AbstractFunction, Size
from devito.types.utils import Buffer, DimensionTuple, NODE, CELL

__all__ = ['Function', 'TimeFunction', 'SubFunction', 'TempFunction']

RegionMeta = namedtuple('RegionMeta', 'offset size')

class DiscreteFunction(AbstractFunction, ArgProvider, Differentiable):

    Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations.
    Unlike an Array, a DiscreteFunction carries data.

    Users should not instantiate this class directly. Use Function or
    SparseFunction (or their subclasses) instead.

    # Required by SymPy, otherwise the presence of __getitem__ will make SymPy
    # think that a DiscreteFunction is actually iterable, thus breaking many of
    # its key routines (e.g., solve)
    _iterable = False

    is_Input = True
    is_DiscreteFunction = True

    _DataType = Data
    The type of the underlying data object.

    __rkwargs__ = AbstractFunction.__rkwargs__ + ('staggered', 'coefficients')

    def __init_finalize__(self, *args, function=None, **kwargs):
        # Staggering metadata
        self._staggered = self.__staggered_setup__(**kwargs)

        # Now that *all* __X_setup__ hooks have been called, we can let the
        # superclass constructor do its job
        super(DiscreteFunction, self).__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Symbolic (finite difference) coefficients
        self._coefficients = kwargs.get('coefficients', 'standard')
        if self._coefficients not in ('standard', 'symbolic'):
            raise ValueError("coefficients must be `standard` or `symbolic`")

        # Data-related properties
        self._data = None
        self._first_touch = kwargs.get('first_touch', configuration['first-touch'])
        self._allocator = kwargs.get('allocator') or default_allocator()

        # Data initialization
        initializer = kwargs.get('initializer')
        if self.alias:
            self._initializer = None
        elif function is not None:
            # An object derived from user-level AbstractFunction (e.g.,
            # `f(x+1)`), so we just copy the reference to the original data
            self._initializer = None
            self._data = function._data
        elif initializer is None or callable(initializer) or self.alias:
            # Initialization postponed until the first access to .data
            self._initializer = initializer
        elif isinstance(initializer, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
            # Allocate memory and initialize it. Note that we do *not* hold
            # a reference to the user-provided buffer
            self._initializer = None
            if len(initializer) > 0:
                self.data_with_halo[:] = initializer[:]
                # This is a corner case -- we might get here, for example, when
                # running with MPI and some processes get 0-size arrays after
                # domain decomposition. We touch the data anyway to avoid the
                # case ``self._data is None``
            raise ValueError("`initializer` must be callable or buffer, not %s"
                             % type(initializer))

    _subs = Differentiable._subs

    def _allocate_memory(func):
        """Allocate memory as a Data."""
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                if self._alias:
                    # Aliasing Functions must not allocate data

                debug("Allocating host memory for %s%s [%s]"
                      % (, self.shape_allocated, humanbytes(self.nbytes)))

                # Clear up both SymPy and Devito caches to drop unreachable data

                # Allocate the actual data object
                self._data = self._DataType(self.shape_allocated, self.dtype,

                # Initialize data
                if self._first_touch:
                    assign(self, 0)
                if callable(self._initializer):
                    if self._first_touch:
                        warning("`first touch` together with `initializer` causing "
                                "redundant data initialization")
                    except ValueError:
                        # Perhaps user only wants to initialise the physical domain

            return func(self)
        return wrapper

    def __dtype_setup__(cls, **kwargs):
        grid = kwargs.get('grid')
        dtype = kwargs.get('dtype')
        if dtype is not None:
            return dtype
        elif grid is not None:
            return grid.dtype
            return np.float32

    def __staggered_setup__(self, **kwargs):
        Setup staggering-related metadata. This method assigns:

            * 0 to non-staggered dimensions;
            * 1 to staggered dimensions.
        staggered = kwargs.get('staggered', None)
        if staggered is CELL:
            staggered = self.dimensions
        return staggered

    def _functions(self):
        return {self.function}

    def _data_buffer(self):
        Reference to the data. Unlike :attr:`data` and :attr:`data_with_halo`,
        this *never* returns a view of the data. This method is for internal use only.
        return self._data_allocated

    def _data_alignment(self):
        return self._allocator.guaranteed_alignment

    def _mem_external(self):
        return True

    def staggered(self):
        return self._staggered

    def coefficients(self):
        """Form of the coefficients of the function."""
        return self._coefficients

    def _coeff_symbol(self):
        if self.coefficients == 'symbolic':
            return sympy.Function('W')
            raise ValueError("Function was not declared with symbolic "

    def shape(self):
        Shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of the
        data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* domain region shape.
        return self._shape

    def shape_domain(self):
        Shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of the
        data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* domain region shape.
        Alias to ``self.shape``.
        return self.shape

    def shape_with_halo(self):
        Shape of the domain+outhalo region. The outhalo is the region
        surrounding the domain that may be read by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* with_halo region shape.
        Further, note that the outhalo of inner ranks is typically empty, while
        the outhalo of boundary ranks contains a number of elements depending
        on the rank position in the decomposed grid (corner, side, ...).
        return tuple(j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self.shape, self._size_outhalo))

    _shape_with_outhalo = shape_with_halo

    def _shape_with_inhalo(self):
        Shape of the domain+inhalo region. The inhalo region comprises the
        outhalo as well as any additional "ghost" layers for MPI halo
        exchanges. Data in the inhalo region are exchanged when running
        Operators to maintain consistent values as in sequential runs.

        Typically, this property won't be used in user code, but it may come
        in handy for testing or debugging
        return tuple(j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self.shape, self._halo))

    def shape_allocated(self):
        Shape of the allocated data. It includes the domain and inhalo regions,
        as well as any additional padding surrounding the halo.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* with_halo region shape.
        return DimensionTuple(*[j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self._shape_with_inhalo,

    def shape_global(self):
        Global shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of
        the data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *global* domain region shape, which is
        therefore identical on all MPI ranks.

        if self.grid is None:
            return self.shape
        retval = []
        for d, s in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape):
            size = self.grid.dimension_map.get(d)
            retval.append(size.glb if size is not None else s)
        return tuple(retval)

    def symbolic_shape(self):
        return tuple(self._C_get_field(FULL, d).size for d in self.dimensions)

    def size_global(self):
        The global number of elements this object is expected to store in memory.
        Note that this would need to be combined with self.dtype to give the actual
        size in bytes.
        return reduce(mul, self.shape_global)

    _offset_inhalo = AbstractFunction._offset_halo
    _size_inhalo = AbstractFunction._size_halo

    def _size_outhalo(self):
        """Number of points in the outer halo region."""

        if self._distributor is None:
            # Computational domain is not distributed and hence the outhalo
            # and inhalo correspond
            return self._size_inhalo

        left = [abs(min(i.loc_abs_min-i.glb_min-j, 0)) if i and not i.loc_empty else 0
                for i, j in zip(self._decomposition, self._size_inhalo.left)]
        right = [max(i.loc_abs_max+j-i.glb_max, 0) if i and not i.loc_empty else 0
                 for i, j in zip(self._decomposition, self._size_inhalo.right)]

        sizes = tuple(Size(i, j) for i, j in zip(left, right))

        if self._distributor.is_parallel and (any(left) > 0 or any(right)) > 0:
                warning_msg = """A space order of {0} and a halo size of {1} has been
                                 set but the current rank ({2}) has a domain size of
                                 only {3}""".format(self._space_order,
                if not self._distributor.is_boundary_rank:
                    left_dist = [i for i, d in zip(left, self.dimensions) if d
                                 in self._distributor.dimensions]
                    right_dist = [i for i, d in zip(right, self.dimensions) if d
                                  in self._distributor.dimensions]
                    for i, j, k, l in zip(left_dist, right_dist,
                        if l > 1 and ((j > 0 and k == 0) or (i > 0 and k == l-1)):
            except AttributeError:

        return DimensionTuple(*sizes, getters=self.dimensions, left=left, right=right)

    def size_allocated(self):
        The number of elements this object is expected to store in memory.
        Note that this would need to be combined with self.dtype to give the actual
        size in bytes.
        return reduce(mul, self.shape_allocated)

    def _mask_modulo(self):
        """Boolean mask telling which Dimensions support modulo-indexing."""
        return tuple(True if i.is_Stepping else False for i in self.dimensions)

    def _mask_domain(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i, j) for i, j in
                     zip(self._offset_domain, self._offset_halo.right))

    def _mask_inhalo(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain+inhalo region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i.left, i.right + j.right) for i, j in
                     zip(self._offset_inhalo, self._size_inhalo))

    def _mask_outhalo(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain+outhalo region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i.start - j.left, i.stop and i.stop + j.right or None)
                     for i, j in zip(self._mask_domain, self._size_outhalo))

    def _decomposition(self):
        Tuple of Decomposition objects, representing the domain decomposition.
        None is used as a placeholder for non-decomposed Dimensions.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return (None,)*self.ndim
        mapper = {d: self._distributor.decomposition[d] for d in self._dist_dimensions}
        return tuple(mapper.get(d) for d in self.dimensions)

    def _decomposition_outhalo(self):
        Tuple of Decomposition objects, representing the domain+outhalo
        decomposition. None is used as a placeholder for non-decomposed Dimensions.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return (None,)*self.ndim
        return tuple(v.reshape(*self._size_inhalo[d]) if v is not None else v
                     for d, v in zip(self.dimensions, self._decomposition))

    def data(self):
        The domain data values, as a numpy.ndarray.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use :meth:`data_ro`
        return self.data_domain

    def data_gather(self, start=None, stop=None, step=1, rank=0):
        Gather distributed `Data` attached to a `Function` onto a single rank.

        rank : int
            The rank onto which the data will be gathered.
        step : int or tuple of ints
            The `slice` step in each dimension.
        start : int or tuple of ints
            The `slice` start in each dimension.
        stop : int or tuple of ints
            The final point of the `slice` to include.

        Alias to ````.

        Note that gathering data from large simulations onto a single rank may
        result in memory blow-up and hence should use this method judiciously.
        return, stop=stop, step=step, rank=rank)

    def data_domain(self):
        The domain data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        Alias to ````.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_domain` instead.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return self._data._global(self._mask_domain, self._decomposition)

    def data_with_halo(self):
        The domain+outhalo data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_with_halo` instead.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return self._data._global(self._mask_outhalo, self._decomposition_outhalo)

    _data_with_outhalo = data_with_halo

    def _data_with_inhalo(self):
        The domain+inhalo data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_with_inhalo` instead.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read data
        values. Instead, it may come in handy for testing or debugging
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return np.asarray(self._data[self._mask_inhalo])

    def _data_allocated(self):
        The allocated data values, that is domain+inhalo+padding.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_allocated` instead.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read data
        values. Instead, it may come in handy for testing or debugging
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return np.asarray(self._data)

    def _data_in_region(self, region, dim, side):
        The data values in a given region.

        region : DataRegion
            The data region of interest (e.g., OWNED, HALO) for which a view
            is produced.
        dim : Dimension
            The dimension of interest.
        side : DataSide
            The side of interest (LEFT, RIGHT).

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read
        data values.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        offset = getattr(getattr(self, '_offset_%s' %[dim],
        size = getattr(getattr(self, '_size_%s' %[dim],
        index_array = [
            slice(offset, offset+size) if d is dim else slice(pl, s - pr)
            for d, s, (pl, pr)
            in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape_allocated, self._padding)
        return np.asarray(self._data[index_array])

    def data_ro_domain(self):
        """Read-only view of the domain data values."""
        view = self._data._global(self._mask_domain, self._decomposition)
        return view

    def data_ro_with_halo(self):
        """Read-only view of the domain+outhalo data values."""
        view = self._data._global(self._mask_outhalo, self._decomposition_outhalo)
        return view

    _data_ro_with_outhalo = data_ro_with_halo

    def _data_ro_with_inhalo(self):
        Read-only view of the domain+inhalo data values.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.
        view = self._data[self._mask_inhalo]
        return np.asarray(view)

    def _data_ro_allocated(self):
        Read-only view of the domain+inhalo+padding data values.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.
        view = self._data
        return np.asarray(view)

    def local_indices(self):
        Tuple of slices representing the global indices that logically
        belong to the calling MPI rank.

        Given a Function ``f(x, y)`` with shape ``(nx, ny)``, when *not* using
        MPI this property will return ``(slice(0, nx-1), slice(0, ny-1))``. On
        the other hand, when MPI is used, the local ranges depend on the domain
        decomposition, which is carried by ``self.grid``.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return tuple(slice(0, s) for s in self.shape)
            return tuple(self._distributor.glb_slices.get(d, slice(0, s))
                         for s, d in zip(self.shape, self.dimensions))

    def space_dimensions(self):
        """Tuple of Dimensions defining the physical space."""
        return tuple(d for d in self.dimensions if d.is_Space)

    def initializer(self):
        if isinstance(self._data, np.ndarray):
            return self.data_with_halo.view(np.ndarray)
            return self._initializer

    _C_structname = 'dataobj'
    _C_field_data = 'data'
    _C_field_size = 'size'
    _C_field_nopad_size = 'npsize'
    _C_field_domain_size = 'dsize'
    _C_field_halo_size = 'hsize'
    _C_field_halo_ofs = 'hofs'
    _C_field_owned_ofs = 'oofs'
    _C_field_dmap = 'dmap'

    _C_ctype = POINTER(type(_C_structname, (Structure,),
                            {'_fields_': [(_C_field_data, c_restrict_void_p),
                                          (_C_field_size, POINTER(c_ulong)),
                                          (_C_field_nopad_size, POINTER(c_ulong)),
                                          (_C_field_domain_size, POINTER(c_ulong)),
                                          (_C_field_halo_size, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_halo_ofs, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_owned_ofs, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_dmap, c_void_p)]}))

    def _C_make_dataobj(self, data):
        A ctypes object representing the DiscreteFunction that can be passed to
        an Operator.
        dataobj = byref(self._C_ctype._type_()) = data.ctypes.data_as(c_restrict_void_p)
        dataobj._obj.size = (c_ulong*self.ndim)(*data.shape)
        # MPI-related fields
        dataobj._obj.npsize = (c_ulong*self.ndim)(*[i - sum(j) for i, j in
                                                    zip(data.shape, self._size_padding)])
        dataobj._obj.dsize = (c_ulong*self.ndim)(*self._size_domain)
        dataobj._obj.hsize = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._size_halo))
        dataobj._obj.hofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_halo))
        dataobj._obj.oofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_owned))

        # Fields used only within C-land
        dataobj._obj.dmap = c_void_p(0)

        # stash a reference to the array on _obj, so we don't let it get freed
        # while we hold onto _obj
        dataobj._obj.underlying_array = data

        return dataobj

    def _C_as_ndarray(self, dataobj):
        """Cast the data carried by a DiscreteFunction dataobj to an ndarray."""
        shape = tuple(dataobj._obj.size[i] for i in range(self.ndim))
        ctype_1d = dtype_to_ctype(self.dtype) * int(reduce(mul, shape))
        buf = cast(, POINTER(ctype_1d)).contents
        return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)

    def _C_make_index(self, dim, side=None):
        # Depends on how fields are populated in `_C_make_dataobj`
        idx = self.dimensions.index(dim)
        if side is not None:
            idx = idx*2 + (0 if side is LEFT else 1)
        return idx

    def _C_get_field(self, region, dim, side=None):
        """Symbolic representation of a given data region."""
        ffp = lambda f, i: FieldFromPointer("%s[%d]" % (f, i), self._C_symbol)
        if region is DOMAIN:
            offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
        elif region is OWNED:
            if side is LEFT:
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
            elif side is CENTER:
                # Note: identical to region=HALO, side=CENTER
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
        elif region is HALO:
            if side is LEFT:
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            elif side is CENTER:
                # Note: identical to region=OWNED, side=CENTER
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
        elif region is NOPAD:
            offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            size = ffp(self._C_field_nopad_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
        elif region is FULL:
            offset = 0
            size = ffp(self._C_field_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
            raise ValueError("Unknown region `%s`" % str(region))

        return RegionMeta(offset, size)

    def _halo_exchange(self):
        """Perform the halo exchange with the neighboring processes."""
        if not MPI.Is_initialized() or MPI.COMM_WORLD.size == 1:
            # Nothing to do
        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1 and self._distributor is None:
            raise RuntimeError("`%s` cannot perform a halo exchange as it has "
                               "no Grid attached" %

        neighborhood = self._distributor.neighborhood
        comm = self._distributor.comm

        for d in self._dist_dimensions:
            for i in [LEFT, RIGHT]:
                # Get involved peers
                dest = neighborhood[d][i]
                source = neighborhood[d][i.flip()]

                # Gather send data
                data = self._data_in_region(OWNED, d, i)
                sendbuf = np.ascontiguousarray(data)

                # Setup recv buffer
                shape = self._data_in_region(HALO, d, i.flip()).shape
                recvbuf = np.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=self.dtype)

                # Communication
                comm.Sendrecv(sendbuf, dest=dest, recvbuf=recvbuf, source=source)

                # Scatter received data
                if recvbuf is not None and source != MPI.PROC_NULL:
                    self._data_in_region(HALO, d, i.flip())[:] = recvbuf

        self._is_halo_dirty = False

    def _arg_names(self):
        """Tuple of argument names introduced by this function."""
        return (,)

    def _arg_defaults(self, alias=None):
        A map of default argument values defined by this symbol.

        alias : DiscreteFunction, optional
            To bind the argument values to different names.
        key = alias or self
        args = ReducerMap({ self._data_buffer})

        # Collect default dimension arguments from all indices
        for i, s in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape):
            args.update(i._arg_defaults(_min=0, size=s))

        return args

    def _arg_values(self, **kwargs):
        A map of argument values after evaluating user input. If no
        user input is provided, return a default value.

            Dictionary of user-provided argument overrides.
        # Add value override for own data if it is provided, otherwise
        # use defaults
        if in kwargs:
            new = kwargs.pop(
            if isinstance(new, DiscreteFunction):
                # Set new values and re-derive defaults
                values = new._arg_defaults(alias=self).reduce_all()
                # We've been provided a pure-data replacement (array)
                values = { new}
                # Add value overrides for all associated dimensions
                for i, s in zip(self.dimensions, new.shape):
                    size = s - sum(self._size_nodomain[i])
            values = self._arg_defaults(alias=self).reduce_all()

        return values

    def _arg_check(self, args, intervals, **kwargs):
        Check that `args` contains legal runtime values bound to `self`.

            If, given the runtime values `args`, an out-of-bounds array
            access would be performed, or if shape/dtype don't match with
            self's shape/dtype.
        if not in args:
            raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for `%s`" %

        key = args[]
        if len(key.shape) != self.ndim:
            raise InvalidArgument("Shape %s of runtime value `%s` does not match "
                                  "dimensions %s" %
                                  (key.shape,, self.dimensions))
        if key.dtype != self.dtype:
            warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the "
                    "Function data type %s" % (key.dtype,, self.dtype))

        for i, s in zip(self.dimensions, key.shape):
            i._arg_check(args, s, intervals[i])

        if args.options['index-mode'] == 'int32' and \
           args.options['linearize'] and \
           self.size - 1 >= np.iinfo(np.int32).max:
            raise InvalidArgument("`%s`, with its %d elements, may be too big for "
                                  "int32 pointer arithmetic, which might cause an "
                                  "overflow. Use the 'index-mode=int64' option"
                                  % (self, self.size))

    def _arg_finalize(self, args, alias=None):
        key = alias or self
        return { self._C_make_dataobj(args[])}

    # Pickling support

    def _pickle_rkwargs(self):
        # Picklying carries data over, if available
        return tuple(self.__rkwargs__) + ('initializer',)

[docs] class Function(DiscreteFunction): """ Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations. A Function carries multi-dimensional data and provides operations to create finite-differences approximations. A Function encapsulates space-varying data; for data that also varies in time, use TimeFunction instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the symbol. grid : Grid, optional Carries shape, dimensions, and dtype of the Function. When grid is not provided, shape and dimensions must be given. For MPI execution, a Grid is compulsory. space_order : int or 3-tuple of ints, optional Discretisation order for space derivatives. Defaults to 1. ``space_order`` also impacts the number of points available around a generic point of interest. By default, ``space_order`` points are available on both sides of a generic point of interest, including those nearby the grid boundary. Sometimes, fewer points suffice; in other scenarios, more points are necessary. In such cases, instead of an integer, one can pass a 3-tuple ``(o, lp, rp)`` indicating the discretization order (``o``) as well as the number of points on the left (``lp``) and right (``rp``) sides of a generic point of interest. shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the domain region in grid points. Only necessary if ``grid`` isn't given. dimensions : tuple of Dimension, optional Dimensions associated with the object. Only necessary if ``grid`` isn't given. dtype : data-type, optional Any object that can be interpreted as a numpy data type. Defaults to ``np.float32``. staggered : Dimension or tuple of Dimension or Stagger, optional Define how the Function is staggered. initializer : callable or any object exposing the buffer interface, optional Data initializer. If a callable is provided, data is allocated lazily. allocator : MemoryAllocator, optional Controller for memory allocation. To be used, for example, when one wants to take advantage of the memory hierarchy in a NUMA architecture. Refer to `default_allocator.__doc__` for more information. padding : int or tuple of ints, optional .. deprecated:: shouldn't be used; padding is now automatically inserted. Allocate extra grid points to maximize data access alignment. When a tuple of ints, one int per Dimension should be provided. Examples -------- Creation >>> from devito import Grid, Function >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4)) >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid) >>> f f(x, y) >>> g = Function(name='g', grid=grid, space_order=2) >>> g g(x, y) First-order derivatives through centered finite-difference approximations >>> f.dx Derivative(f(x, y), x) >>> f.dy Derivative(f(x, y), y) >>> g.dx Derivative(g(x, y), x) >>> (f + g).dx Derivative(f(x, y) + g(x, y), x) First-order derivatives through left/right finite-difference approximations >>> f.dxl Derivative(f(x, y), x) Note that the fact that it's a left-derivative isn't captured in the representation. However, upon derivative expansion, this becomes clear >>> f.dxl.evaluate f(x, y)/h_x - f(x - h_x, y)/h_x >>> f.dxr Derivative(f(x, y), x) Second-order derivative through centered finite-difference approximation >>> g.dx2 Derivative(g(x, y), (x, 2)) Notes ----- The parameters must always be given as keyword arguments, since SymPy uses ``*args`` to (re-)create the dimension arguments of the symbolic object. """ is_Function = True __rkwargs__ = (DiscreteFunction.__rkwargs__ + ('space_order', 'shape_global', 'dimensions')) def _cache_meta(self): # Attach additional metadata to self's cache entry return {'nbytes': self.size} def __init_finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Function, self).__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs) # Space order space_order = kwargs.get('space_order', 1) if isinstance(space_order, int): self._space_order = space_order elif isinstance(space_order, tuple) and len(space_order) == 3: self._space_order, _, _ = space_order else: raise TypeError("`space_order` must be int or 3-tuple of ints") self._fd = self.__fd_setup__() # Flag whether it is a parameter or a variable. # Used at operator evaluation to evaluate the Function at the # variable location (i.e. if the variable is staggered in x the # parameter has to be computed at x + hx/2) self._is_parameter = kwargs.get('parameter', False) def __fd_setup__(self): """ Dynamically add derivative short-cuts. """ return generate_fd_shortcuts(self.dimensions, self.space_order) @cached_property def _fd_priority(self): return 1 if self.staggered in [NODE, None] else 2 @property def is_parameter(self): return self._is_parameter def _eval_at(self, func): if not self.is_parameter or self.staggered == func.staggered: return self mapper = {self.indices_ref[d]: func.indices_ref[d] for d in self.dimensions if self.indices_ref[d] is not func.indices_ref[d]} if mapper: return self.subs(mapper) return self @classmethod def __indices_setup__(cls, *args, **kwargs): grid = kwargs.get('grid') dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') if grid is None: if dimensions is None: raise TypeError("Need either `grid` or `dimensions`") elif dimensions is None: dimensions = grid.dimensions if args: assert len(args) == len(dimensions) return tuple(dimensions), tuple(args) # Staggered indices staggered = kwargs.get("staggered", None) if staggered in [CELL, NODE]: staggered_indices = dimensions else: mapper = {d: d for d in dimensions} for s in as_tuple(staggered): c, s = s.as_coeff_Mul() mapper.update({s: s + c * s.spacing / 2}) staggered_indices = mapper.values() return tuple(dimensions), tuple(staggered_indices) @property def is_Staggered(self): return self.staggered is not None @classmethod def __shape_setup__(cls, **kwargs): grid = kwargs.get('grid') dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') shape = kwargs.get('shape', kwargs.get('shape_global')) if grid is None: if shape is None: raise TypeError("Need either `grid` or `shape`") elif shape is None: if dimensions is not None and dimensions != grid.dimensions: raise TypeError("Need `shape` as not all `dimensions` are in `grid`") shape = grid.shape_local elif dimensions is None: raise TypeError("`dimensions` required if both `grid` and " "`shape` are provided") else: # Got `grid`, `dimensions`, and `shape`. We sanity-check that the # Dimensions in `dimensions` also appearing in `grid` have same size # (given by `shape`) as that provided in `grid` if len(shape) != len(dimensions): raise ValueError("`shape` and `dimensions` must have the " "same number of entries") loc_shape = [] for d, s in zip(dimensions, shape): if d in grid.dimensions: size = grid.dimension_map[d] if size.glb != s and s is not None: raise ValueError("Dimension `%s` is given size `%d`, " "while `grid` says `%s` has size `%d` " % (d, s, d, size.glb)) else: loc_shape.append(size.loc) else: loc_shape.append(s) shape = tuple(loc_shape) return shape def __halo_setup__(self, **kwargs): halo = kwargs.get('halo') if halo is not None: if isinstance(halo, DimensionTuple): halo = tuple(halo[d] for d in self.dimensions) else: space_order = kwargs.get('space_order', 1) if isinstance(space_order, int): halo = (space_order, space_order) elif isinstance(space_order, tuple) and len(space_order) == 3: _, left_points, right_points = space_order halo = (left_points, right_points) else: raise TypeError("`space_order` must be int or 3-tuple of ints") halo = tuple(halo if i.is_Space else (0, 0) for i in self.dimensions) return DimensionTuple(*halo, getters=self.dimensions) def __padding_setup__(self, **kwargs): padding = kwargs.get('padding') if padding is None: if kwargs.get('autopadding', configuration['autopadding']): # Auto-padding # 0-padding in all Dimensions except in the Fastest Varying Dimension, # `fvd`, which is the innermost one padding = [(0, 0) for i in self.dimensions[:-1]] fvd = self.dimensions[-1] # Let UB be a function that rounds up a value `x` to the nearest # multiple of the SIMD vector length, `vl` vl = configuration['platform'].simd_items_per_reg(self.dtype) ub = lambda x: int(ceil(x / vl)) * vl # Given the HALO and DOMAIN sizes, the right-PADDING is such that: # * the `fvd` size is a multiple of `vl` # * it contains *at least* `vl` points # This way: # * all first grid points along the `fvd` will be cache-aligned # * there is enough room to round up the loop trip counts to maximize # the effectiveness SIMD vectorization fvd_pad_size = (ub(self._size_nopad[fvd]) - self._size_nopad[fvd]) + vl padding.append((0, fvd_pad_size)) else: padding = tuple((0, 0) for d in self.dimensions) elif isinstance(padding, DimensionTuple): padding = tuple(padding[d] for d in self.dimensions) elif isinstance(padding, int): padding = tuple((0, padding) if d.is_Space else (0, 0) for d in self.dimensions) elif isinstance(padding, tuple) and len(padding) == self.ndim: padding = tuple((0, i) if isinstance(i, int) else i for i in padding) else: raise TypeError("`padding` must be int or %d-tuple of ints" % self.ndim) return DimensionTuple(*padding, getters=self.dimensions) @property def space_order(self): """The space order.""" return self._space_order
[docs] def sum(self, p=None, dims=None): """ Generate a symbolic expression computing the sum of ``p`` points along the spatial dimensions ``dims``. Parameters ---------- p : int, optional The number of summands. Defaults to the halo size. dims : tuple of Dimension, optional The Dimensions along which the sum is computed. Defaults to ``self``'s spatial dimensions. """ points = [] for d in (as_tuple(dims) or self.space_dimensions): if p is None: lp = self._size_inhalo[d].left rp = self._size_inhalo[d].right else: lp = p // 2 + p % 2 rp = p // 2 indices = [d - i for i in range(lp, 0, -1)] indices.extend([d + i for i in range(rp)]) points.extend([self.subs({d: i}) for i in indices]) return sum(points)
[docs] def avg(self, p=None, dims=None): """ Generate a symbolic expression computing the average of ``p`` points along the spatial dimensions ``dims``. Parameters ---------- p : int, optional The number of summands. Defaults to the halo size. dims : tuple of Dimension, optional The Dimensions along which the average is computed. Defaults to ``self``'s spatial dimensions. """ tot = self.sum(p, dims) return tot / len(tot.args)
[docs] class TimeFunction(Function): """ Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations. A TimeFunction carries multi-dimensional data and provides operations to create finite-differences approximations, in both space and time. A TimeFunction encapsulates space- and time-varying data. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the symbol. grid : Grid, optional Carries shape, dimensions, and dtype of the Function. When grid is not provided, shape and dimensions must be given. For MPI execution, a Grid is compulsory. space_order : int or 3-tuple of ints, optional Discretisation order for space derivatives. Defaults to 1. ``space_order`` also impacts the number of points available around a generic point of interest. By default, ``space_order`` points are available on both sides of a generic point of interest, including those nearby the grid boundary. Sometimes, fewer points suffice; in other scenarios, more points are necessary. In such cases, instead of an integer, one can pass a 3-tuple ``(o, lp, rp)`` indicating the discretization order (``o``) as well as the number of points on the left (``lp``) and right (``rp``) sides of a generic point of interest. time_order : int, optional Discretization order for time derivatives. Defaults to 1. shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the domain region in grid points. Only necessary if `grid` isn't given. dimensions : tuple of Dimension, optional Dimensions associated with the object. Only necessary if `grid` isn't given. dtype : data-type, optional Any object that can be interpreted as a numpy data type. Defaults to `np.float32`. save : int or Buffer, optional By default, ``save=None``, which indicates the use of alternating buffers. This enables cyclic writes to the TimeFunction. For example, if the TimeFunction ``u(t, x)`` has shape (3, 100), then, in an Operator, ``t`` will assume the values ``1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, ...`` (note that the very first value depends on the stencil equation in which ``u`` is written.). The default size of the time buffer when ``save=None`` is ``time_order + 1``. To specify a different size for the time buffer, one should use the syntax ``save=Buffer(mysize)``. Alternatively, if all of the intermediate results are required (or, simply, to avoid using an alternating buffer), an explicit value for ``save`` ( an integer) must be provided. time_dim : Dimension, optional TimeDimension to be used in the TimeFunction. Defaults to ``grid.time_dim``. staggered : Dimension or tuple of Dimension or Stagger, optional Define how the Function is staggered. initializer : callable or any object exposing the buffer interface, optional Data initializer. If a callable is provided, data is allocated lazily. allocator : MemoryAllocator, optional Controller for memory allocation. To be used, for example, when one wants to take advantage of the memory hierarchy in a NUMA architecture. Refer to `default_allocator.__doc__` for more information. padding : int or tuple of ints, optional .. deprecated:: shouldn't be used; padding is now automatically inserted. Allocate extra grid points to maximize data access alignment. When a tuple of ints, one int per Dimension should be provided. Examples -------- Creation >>> from devito import Grid, TimeFunction >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4)) >>> f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid) >>> f f(t, x, y) >>> g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid, time_order=2) >>> g g(t, x, y) First-order derivatives through centered finite-difference approximations >>> f.dx Derivative(f(t, x, y), x) >>> f.dt Derivative(f(t, x, y), t) >>> g.dt Derivative(g(t, x, y), t) When using the alternating buffer protocol, the size of the time dimension is given by ``time_order + 1`` >>> f.shape (2, 4, 4) >>> g.shape (3, 4, 4) One can drop the alternating buffer protocol specifying a value for ``save`` >>> h = TimeFunction(name='h', grid=grid, save=20) >>> h h(time, x, y) >>> h.shape (20, 4, 4) Notes ----- The parameters must always be given as keyword arguments, since SymPy uses ``*args`` to (re-)create the dimension arguments of the symbolic object. If the parameter ``grid`` is provided, the values for ``shape``, ``dimensions`` and ``dtype`` will be derived from it. When present, the parameter ``shape`` should only define the spatial shape of the grid. The temporal dimension will be inserted automatically as the leading dimension. """ is_TimeFunction = True is_TimeDependent = True _time_position = 0 """Position of time index among the function indices.""" __rkwargs__ = Function.__rkwargs__ + ('time_order', 'save', 'time_dim') def __init_finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.time_dim = kwargs.get('time_dim', self.dimensions[self._time_position]) self._time_order = kwargs.get('time_order', 1) super(TimeFunction, self).__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs) # Check we won't allocate too much memory for the system available_mem = virtual_memory().available if np.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize * self.size > available_mem: warning("Trying to allocate more memory for symbol %s " % + "than available on physical device, this will start swapping") if not isinstance(self.time_order, int): raise TypeError("`time_order` must be int") = kwargs.get('save') def __fd_setup__(self): """ Dynamically add derivative short-cuts. """ return generate_fd_shortcuts(self.dimensions, self.space_order, to=self.time_order) @classmethod def __indices_setup__(cls, *args, **kwargs): dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') staggered = kwargs.get('staggered') if dimensions is None: save = kwargs.get('save') grid = kwargs.get('grid') time_dim = kwargs.get('time_dim') if time_dim is None: time_dim = grid.time_dim if isinstance(save, int) else grid.stepping_dim elif not (isinstance(time_dim, Dimension) and time_dim.is_Time): raise TypeError("`time_dim` must be a time dimension") dimensions = list(Function.__indices_setup__(**kwargs)[0]) dimensions.insert(cls._time_position, time_dim) return Function.__indices_setup__( *args, dimensions=dimensions, staggered=staggered ) @classmethod def __shape_setup__(cls, **kwargs): grid = kwargs.get('grid') save = kwargs.get('save') or None # Force to None if 0/False/None/... dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') shape = kwargs.get('shape', kwargs.get('shape_global')) time_order = kwargs.get('time_order', 1) if grid is None: if shape is None: raise TypeError("Need either `grid` or `shape`") if save is not None: raise TypeError("Ambiguity detected: provide either `grid` and `save` " "or just `shape` ") elif shape is None: shape = list(grid.shape_local) if save is None: shape.insert(cls._time_position, time_order + 1) elif isinstance(save, Buffer): shape.insert(cls._time_position, save.val) elif isinstance(save, int): shape.insert(cls._time_position, save) else: raise TypeError("`save` can be None, int or Buffer, not %s" % type(save)) elif dimensions is None: raise TypeError("`dimensions` required if both `grid` and " "`shape` are provided") else: shape = super(TimeFunction, cls).__shape_setup__( grid=grid, shape=shape, dimensions=dimensions ) return tuple(shape) @cached_property def _fd_priority(self): return 2.1 if self.staggered in [NODE, None] else 2.2 @property def time_order(self): """The time order.""" return self._time_order @property def forward(self): """Symbol for the time-forward state of the TimeFunction.""" i = int(self.time_order / 2) if self.time_order >= 2 else 1 _t = self.dimensions[self._time_position] return self._subs(_t, _t + i * _t.spacing) @property def backward(self): """Symbol for the time-backward state of the TimeFunction.""" i = int(self.time_order / 2) if self.time_order >= 2 else 1 _t = self.dimensions[self._time_position] return self._subs(_t, _t - i * _t.spacing) @property def _time_size(self): return self.shape_allocated[self._time_position] @property def time_size(self): return self._time_size @property def _time_buffering(self): return not is_integer( @property def _time_buffering_default(self): return self._time_buffering and not isinstance(, Buffer) def _arg_check(self, args, intervals, **kwargs): super()._arg_check(args, intervals, **kwargs) key_time_size = args[].shape[self._time_position] if self._time_buffering and self._time_size != key_time_size: raise InvalidArgument("Expected `time_size=%d` for runtime " "value `%s`, found `%d` instead" % (self._time_size,, key_time_size))
class SubFunction(Function): """ A Function bound to a "parent" DiscreteFunction. A SubFunction hands control of argument binding and halo exchange to the DiscreteFunction it's bound to. """ def __padding_setup__(self, **kwargs): # SubFunctions aren't expected to be used in time-consuming loops return tuple((0, 0) for i in range(self.ndim)) def _halo_exchange(self): return def _arg_values(self, **kwargs): if in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("`%s` is a SubFunction, so it can't be assigned " "a value dynamically" % return self._arg_defaults(alias=self) @property def origin(self): # SubFunction have zero origin return DimensionTuple(*(0 for _ in range(self.ndim)), getters=self.dimensions) class TempFunction(DiscreteFunction): """ Tensor symbol used to store an intermediate sub-expression extracted from one or more symbolic equations. Users should not instantiate this class directly. TempFunctions may be created by Devito to store intermediate sub-expressions ("temporary values") when the user supplies the `cire-ftemps` option to an Operator. Unlike other DiscreteFunction types, TempFunctions do not carry data directly. However, they can generate Functions to override the TempFunction at Operator application time (see the Examples section below). TempFunctions are useful if the user wants to retain control over the allocation and deletion of temporary storage (by default, instead, Devito uses Arrays, which are allocated and deallocated upon entering and exiting C-land, respectively). Examples -------- The `make` method makes the TempFunction create a new Function. For more info, refer to TempFunction.make.__doc__. .. code-block:: python op = Operator(...) cfuncs = [i for i in op.input if i.is_TempFunction] kwargs = { i.make(grid.shape) for i in cfuncs} op.apply(..., **kwargs) """ is_TempFunction = True __rkwargs__ = DiscreteFunction.__rkwargs__ + ('dimensions', 'pointer_dim') def __init_finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs) self._pointer_dim = kwargs.get('pointer_dim') @classmethod def __indices_setup__(cls, **kwargs): pointer_dim = kwargs.get('pointer_dim') dimensions = as_tuple(kwargs['dimensions']) if pointer_dim not in dimensions: # This is a bit hacky but it does work around duplicate dimensions when # it gets to pickling dimensions = as_tuple(pointer_dim) + dimensions # Sanity check assert not any(d.is_NonlinearDerived for d in dimensions) return dimensions, dimensions def __halo_setup__(self, **kwargs): pointer_dim = kwargs.get('pointer_dim') dimensions = as_tuple(kwargs['dimensions']) halo = as_tuple(kwargs.get('halo')) if halo is None: halo = tuple((0, 0) for _ in dimensions) if pointer_dim is not None and pointer_dim not in dimensions: halo = ((0, 0),) + as_tuple(halo) return halo @property def data(self): # Any attempt at allocating data by the user should fail miserably raise TypeError("TempFunction cannot allocate data") data_domain = data data_with_halo = data data_ro_domain = data data_ro_with_halo = data @property def pointer_dim(self): return self._pointer_dim @property def dim(self): return self.pointer_dim @property def shape(self): domain = [i.symbolic_size for i in self.dimensions] return DimensionTuple(*domain, getters=self.dimensions) @property def shape_with_halo(self): domain = self.shape halo = [sympy.Add(*i, evaluate=False) for i in self._size_halo] ret = tuple(sum(i) for i in zip(domain, halo)) return DimensionTuple(*ret, getters=self.dimensions) shape_allocated = AbstractFunction.symbolic_shape symbolic_shape = AbstractFunction.symbolic_shape def make(self, shape=None, initializer=None, allocator=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Function which can be used to override this TempFunction in a call to `op.apply(...)`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the domain region in grid points. initializer : callable or any object exposing the buffer interface, optional Data initializer. If a callable is provided, data is allocated lazily. allocator : MemoryAllocator, optional Controller for memory allocation. To be used, for example, when one wants to take advantage of the memory hierarchy in a NUMA architecture. Refer to `default_allocator.__doc__` for more information. **kwargs Mapper of Operator overrides. Used to automatically derive the shape if not explicitly provided. """ if shape is None: if len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError("Either `shape` or `kwargs` (Operator overrides) " "must be provided.") shape = [] args = normalize_args(kwargs) for n, i in enumerate(self.shape): v = i.subs(args) if not v.is_Integer: raise ValueError("Couldn't resolve `shape[%d]=%s` with the given " "kwargs (obtained: `%s`)" % (n, i, v)) shape.append(int(v)) shape = tuple(shape) elif len(shape) != self.ndim: raise ValueError("`shape` must contain %d integers, not %d" % (self.ndim, len(shape))) elif not all(is_integer(i) for i in shape): raise ValueError("`shape` must contain integers (got `%s`)" % str(shape)) return Function(, dtype=self.dtype, dimensions=self.dimensions, shape=shape, halo=self.halo, initializer=initializer, allocator=allocator) def _make_pointer(self, dim): return TempFunction(name='p%s' %, dtype=self.dtype, pointer_dim=dim, dimensions=self.dimensions, halo=self.halo) def _arg_defaults(self, alias=None): raise RuntimeError("TempFunction does not have default arguments ") def _arg_values(self, **kwargs): if in kwargs: new = kwargs.pop( if isinstance(new, DiscreteFunction): # Set new values and re-derive defaults return new._arg_defaults().reduce_all() else: raise InvalidArgument("Illegal runtime value for `%s`" % else: raise InvalidArgument("TempFunction `%s` lacks override" %