Source code for devito.types.equation

"""User API to specify equations."""

import sympy

from cached_property import cached_property

from devito.finite_differences import default_rules
from import as_tuple
from devito.types.lazy import Evaluable

__all__ = ['Eq', 'Inc', 'ReduceMax', 'ReduceMin']

[docs] class Eq(sympy.Eq, Evaluable): """ An equal relation between two objects, the left-hand side and the right-hand side. The left-hand side may be a Function or a SparseFunction. The right-hand side may be any arbitrary expressions with numbers, Dimensions, Constants, Functions and SparseFunctions as operands. Parameters ---------- lhs : Function or SparseFunction The left-hand side. rhs : expr-like, optional The right-hand side. Defaults to 0. subdomain : SubDomain, optional To restrict the computation of the Eq to a particular sub-region in the computational domain. coefficients : Substitutions, optional Can be used to replace symbolic finite difference weights with user defined weights. implicit_dims : Dimension or list of Dimension, optional An ordered list of Dimensions that do not explicitly appear in either the left-hand side or in the right-hand side, but that should be honored when constructing an Operator. Examples -------- >>> from devito import Grid, Function, Eq >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4)) >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid) >>> Eq(f, f + 1) Eq(f(x, y), f(x, y) + 1) Any SymPy expressions may be used in the right-hand side. >>> from devito import sin >>> Eq(f, sin(f.dx)**2) Eq(f(x, y), sin(Derivative(f(x, y), x))**2) Notes ----- An Eq can be thought of as an assignment in an imperative programming language (e.g., ``a[i] = b[i]*c``). """ is_Reduction = False __rargs__ = ('lhs', 'rhs') __rkwargs__ = ('subdomain', 'coefficients', 'implicit_dims') def __new__(cls, lhs, rhs=0, subdomain=None, coefficients=None, implicit_dims=None, **kwargs): kwargs['evaluate'] = False obj = sympy.Eq.__new__(cls, lhs, rhs, **kwargs) obj._subdomain = subdomain obj._substitutions = coefficients obj._implicit_dims = as_tuple(implicit_dims) return obj def _evaluate(self, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the Equation or system of Equations. The RHS of the Equation is evaluated at the indices of the LHS if required. """ try: lhs = self.lhs._evaluate(**kwargs) rhs = self.rhs._eval_at(self.lhs)._evaluate(**kwargs) except AttributeError: lhs, rhs = self._evaluate_args(**kwargs) eq = self.func(lhs, rhs, subdomain=self.subdomain, coefficients=self.substitutions, implicit_dims=self._implicit_dims) if eq._uses_symbolic_coefficients: # NOTE: As is expanded we will not want # all rules to be expunged during this procress. rules = default_rules(eq, eq._symbolic_functions) try: eq = eq.xreplace({**eq.substitutions.rules, **rules}) except AttributeError: if bool(rules): eq = eq.xreplace(rules) return eq @property def _flatten(self): """ Flatten vectorial/tensorial Equation into list of scalar Equations. """ if self.lhs.is_Matrix: # Maps the Equations to retrieve the rhs from relevant lhs eqs = dict(zip(as_tuple(self.lhs), as_tuple(self.rhs))) # Get the relevant equations from the lhs structure. .values removes # the symmetric duplicates and off-diagonal zeros. lhss = self.lhs.values() return [self.func(l, eqs[l], subdomain=self.subdomain, coefficients=self.substitutions, implicit_dims=self._implicit_dims) for l in lhss] else: return [self] @property def subdomain(self): """The SubDomain in which the Eq is defined.""" return self._subdomain @property def substitutions(self): return self._substitutions coefficients = substitutions @property def implicit_dims(self): return self._implicit_dims @cached_property def _uses_symbolic_coefficients(self): return bool(self._symbolic_functions) @cached_property def _symbolic_functions(self): try: return self.lhs._symbolic_functions.union(self.rhs._symbolic_functions) except AttributeError: pass try: return self.lhs._symbolic_functions except AttributeError: pass try: return self.rhs._symbolic_functions except AttributeError: return frozenset() else: TypeError('Failed to retrieve symbolic functions') func = Evaluable._rebuild
[docs] def xreplace(self, rules): return self.func(self.lhs.xreplace(rules), self.rhs.xreplace(rules))
def __str__(self): return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.lhs, self.rhs) __repr__ = __str__
class Reduction(Eq): """ An Eq in which the right-hand side represents a reduction operation, whose result is stored in to the left-hand side. """ is_Reduction = True def __str__(self): return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.lhs, self.rhs) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] class Inc(Reduction): """ An increment Reduction. Examples -------- Inc may be used to express tensor contractions. Below, a summation along the user-defined Dimension `i`. >>> from devito import Grid, Dimension, Function, Inc >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4)) >>> x, y = grid.dimensions >>> i = Dimension(name='i') >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid) >>> g = Function(name='g', shape=(10, 4, 4), dimensions=(i, x, y)) >>> Inc(f, g) Inc(f(x, y), g(i, x, y)) Notes ----- An Inc can be thought of as the augmented assignment '+=' in an imperative programming language (e.g., ``a[i] += c``). """ pass
[docs] class ReduceMax(Reduction): pass
[docs] class ReduceMin(Reduction): pass