Source code for devito.types.grid

from abc import ABC
from collections import namedtuple
from math import floor

import numpy as np
from sympy import prod
from cached_property import cached_property

from import LEFT, RIGHT
from devito.logger import warning
from devito.mpi import Distributor, MPI
from import ReducerMap, as_tuple
from devito.types.args import ArgProvider
from devito.types.basic import Scalar
from devito.types.dense import Function
from devito.types.dimension import (Dimension, SpaceDimension, TimeDimension,
                                    Spacing, SteppingDimension, SubDimension)

__all__ = ['Grid', 'SubDomain', 'SubDomainSet']

GlobalLocal = namedtuple('GlobalLocal', 'glb loc')

class CartesianDiscretization(ABC):

    Abstract base class for objects representing discretizations of n-dimensional
    physical domains by congruent parallelotopes (e.g., "tiles" or "bricks").

    def __init__(self, shape=None, dimensions=None, dtype=None):
        self._shape = as_tuple(shape)
        self._dimensions = as_tuple(dimensions)
        self._dtype = dtype

    def shape(self):
        """Shape of the physical domain."""
        return self._shape

    def dimensions(self):
        """Spatial dimensions of the computational domain."""
        return self._dimensions

    def dim(self):
        """Problem dimension, or number of spatial dimensions."""
        return len(self.dimensions)

    def dtype(self):
        Data type inherited by all Functions defined on this CartesianDiscretization.
        return self._dtype

[docs] class Grid(CartesianDiscretization, ArgProvider): """ A cartesian grid that encapsulates a computational domain over which to discretize a Function. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of ints Shape of the computational domain in grid points. extent : tuple of floats, optional Physical extent of the domain in m; defaults to a unit box of extent 1m in all dimensions. origin : tuple of floats, optional Physical coordinate of the origin of the domain; defaults to 0.0 in all dimensions. dimensions : tuple of SpaceDimension, optional The dimensions of the computational domain encapsulated by this Grid. time_dimension : TimeDimension, optional The dimension used to define time in a `TimeFunction` created from this Grid. dtype : data-type, optional Any object that can be interpreted as a numpy data type, used as default data type to be inherited by all Functions created from this Grid. Defaults to ``np.float32``. subdomains : tuple of SubDomain, optional If no subdomains are specified, the Grid only defines the two default subdomains ``interior`` and ``domain``. comm : MPI communicator, optional The set of processes over which the grid is distributed. Only relevant in case of MPI execution. Examples -------- >>> from devito import Grid, Function >>> grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4), extent=(3.0, 3.0)) >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid) >>> f.shape (4, 4) >>> f.dimensions (x, y) >>> f.dtype <class 'numpy.float32'> In a Function, the domain defined by a Grid is often surrounded by a "halo region", which guarantees the correctness of stencil updates nearby the domain boundary. However, the size of the halo region does *not* depend on the Grid; for more information, refer to ``Function.__doc__``. >>> f.shape_with_halo (6, 6) Notes ----- A Grid encapsulates the topology and geometry information of the computational domain that a Function can be discretized on. As such, it defines and provides the physical coordinate information of the logical cartesian grid underlying the discretized Functions. For example, the conventions for defining the coordinate space in 2D are: .. code-block:: python x |-----------------------> | origin | o------------o | | | | | | | | DOMAIN | extent[1] y | | | | | | | | extent[0] | | o------------o | origin + extent | v """ _default_dimensions = ('x', 'y', 'z') def __init__(self, shape, extent=None, origin=None, dimensions=None, time_dimension=None, dtype=np.float32, subdomains=None, comm=None, topology=None): shape = as_tuple(shape) # Create or pull the SpaceDimensions if dimensions is None: ndim = len(shape) assert ndim <= 3 dim_names = self._default_dimensions[:ndim] dim_spacing = tuple(Spacing(name='h_%s' % n, dtype=dtype, is_const=True) for n in dim_names) dimensions = tuple(SpaceDimension(name=n, spacing=s) for n, s in zip(dim_names, dim_spacing)) else: for d in dimensions: if not d.is_Space: raise ValueError("Cannot create Grid with Dimension `%s` " "since it's not a SpaceDimension" % d) if d.is_Derived and not d.is_Conditional: raise ValueError("Cannot create Grid with derived Dimension `%s` " "of type `%s`" % (d, type(d))) dimensions = dimensions super().__init__(shape, dimensions, dtype) # Create a Distributor, used internally to implement domain decomposition # by all Functions defined on this Grid self._distributor = Distributor(shape, dimensions, comm, topology) # The physical extent self._extent = as_tuple(extent or tuple(1. for _ in self.shape)) # Initialize SubDomains subdomains = tuple(i for i in (Domain(), Interior(), *as_tuple(subdomains))) for counter, i in enumerate(subdomains): i.__subdomain_finalize__(self, counter=counter) self._subdomains = subdomains self._origin = as_tuple(origin or tuple(0. for _ in self.shape)) self._origin_symbols = tuple(Scalar(name='o_%s' %, dtype=dtype, is_const=True) for d in self.dimensions) # Sanity check assert (self.dim == len(self.origin) == len(self.extent) == len(self.spacing)) # Store or create default symbols for time and stepping dimensions if time_dimension is None: spacing = Scalar(name='dt', dtype=dtype, is_const=True) self._time_dim = TimeDimension(name='time', spacing=spacing) self._stepping_dim = SteppingDimension(name='t', parent=self.time_dim) elif isinstance(time_dimension, TimeDimension): self._time_dim = time_dimension self._stepping_dim = SteppingDimension(name='%s_s' %, parent=self.time_dim) else: raise ValueError("`time_dimension` must be None or of type TimeDimension") def __repr__(self): return "Grid[extent=%s, shape=%s, dimensions=%s]" % ( self.extent, self.shape, self.dimensions ) @property def extent(self): """Physical extent of the domain in m.""" return self._extent @property def origin(self): """Physical coordinates of the domain origin.""" return self._origin @property def origin_symbols(self): """Symbols representing the grid origin in each SpaceDimension.""" return self._origin_symbols @property def origin_map(self): """Map between origin symbols and their values.""" return dict(zip(self.origin_symbols, self.origin)) @property def origin_ioffset(self): """Offset index of the local (per-process) origin from the domain origin.""" grid_origin = [min(i) for i in self.distributor.glb_numb] assert len(grid_origin) == len(self.spacing) return tuple(grid_origin) @property def origin_offset(self): """Physical offset of the local (per-process) origin from the domain origin.""" return tuple(i*h for i, h in zip(self.origin_ioffset, self.spacing)) @property def time_dim(self): """Time dimension associated with this Grid.""" return self._time_dim @property def stepping_dim(self): """Stepping dimension associated with this Grid.""" return self._stepping_dim @property def subdomains(self): """The SubDomains defined in this Grid.""" return { i for i in self._subdomains} @property def interior(self): """The interior SubDomain of the Grid.""" return self.subdomains['interior'] @property def volume_cell(self): """Volume of a single cell e.g h_x*h_y*h_z in 3D.""" return prod(d.spacing for d in self.dimensions).subs(self.spacing_map) @property def spacing(self): """Spacing between grid points in m.""" spacing = (np.array(self.extent) / (np.array(self.shape) - 1)).astype(self.dtype) return as_tuple(spacing) @cached_property def spacing_symbols(self): """Symbols representing the grid spacing in each SpaceDimension.""" return as_tuple(d.root.spacing for d in self.dimensions) @cached_property def spacing_map(self): """Map between spacing symbols and their values for each SpaceDimension.""" mapper = {} for d, s in zip(self.dimensions, self.spacing): if d.is_Conditional: # Special case subsampling: `Grid.dimensions` -> (xb, yb, zb)` # where `xb, yb, zb` are ConditionalDimensions whose parents # are SpaceDimensions mapper[d.root.spacing] = s/self.dtype(d.factor) elif d.is_Space: # Typical case: `Grid.dimensions` -> (x, y, z)` where `x, y, z` are # the SpaceDimensions mapper[d.spacing] = s else: assert False return mapper @property def shape_local(self): """Shape of the local (per-process) physical domain.""" return self._distributor.shape @property def dimension_map(self): """Map between SpaceDimensions and their global/local size.""" return {d: GlobalLocal(g, l) for d, g, l in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape, self.shape_local)} @property def distributor(self): """The Distributor used for MPI-decomposing the CartesianDiscretization.""" return self._distributor @property def comm(self): """The MPI communicator inherited from the distributor.""" return self._distributor.comm
[docs] def is_distributed(self, dim): """ True if `dim` is a distributed Dimension for this CartesianDiscretization, False otherwise. """ return any(dim is d for d in self.distributor.dimensions)
@cached_property def _arg_names(self): ret = [] ret.append( ret.extend([ for i in self.origin_map]) for i in self.spacing_map: try: ret.append( except AttributeError: # E.g., {n*h_x: v} (the case of ConditionalDimension) ret.extend([ for a in i.free_symbols]) return tuple(ret) def _arg_defaults(self): """A map of default argument values defined by this Grid.""" args = ReducerMap() # Dimensions size for k, v in self.dimension_map.items(): args.update(k._arg_defaults(_min=0, size=v.loc)) # Dimensions spacing args.update({ v for k, v in self.spacing_map.items()}) # Grid origin args.update({ v for k, v in self.origin_map.items()}) # MPI-related objects if self.distributor.is_parallel: distributor = self.distributor args[] = distributor._obj_comm.value args[] = distributor._obj_neighborhood.value return args def _arg_values(self, **kwargs): values = dict(self._arg_defaults()) # Override spacing and origin if necessary values.update({i: kwargs[i] for i in self._arg_names if i in kwargs}) return values def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # A Distributor wraps an MPI communicator, which can't and shouldn't be pickled state.pop('_distributor') return state def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self._distributor = Distributor(self.shape, self.dimensions, MPI.COMM_SELF)
class AbstractSubDomain(CartesianDiscretization): """ Abstract base class for subdomains. """ name = None """A unique name for the SubDomain.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if is None: = self.__class__.__name__ # All other attributes get initialized upon `__subdomain_finalize__` super().__init__() def __subdomain_finalize__(self, grid, **kwargs): """ Finalize the subdomain initialization. Notes ----- Must be overridden by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AbstractSubDomain): return False return ( == and self.dimensions == other.dimensions and self.shape == other.shape and self.dtype == other.dtype) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.dimensions, self.shape, self.dtype)) def __str__(self): return "%s[%s%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.dimensions) __repr__ = __str__ def union(self, other): """ Return the union of two subdomains as a new subdomain. """ raise NotImplementedError def intersection(self, other): """ Return the intersection of two subdomains as a new subdomain. """ raise NotImplementedError def difference(self, other): """ Return the difference of two subdomains as a new subdomain. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def dimension_map(self): return {d.root: d for d in self.dimensions}
[docs] class SubDomain(AbstractSubDomain): """ Base class to define Grid subdomains. To create a new SubDomain, all one needs to do is overriding :meth:`define`. This method takes as input a set of Dimensions and produce a mapper ``M : Dimensions -> {d, ('left', N), ('middle', N, M), ('right', N)}`` so that: * If ``M(d) = d``, then the SubDomain spans the entire Dimension ``d``. * If ``M(d) = ('left', N)``, then the SubDomain spans a contiguous region of ``N`` points starting at ``d``\'s left extreme. * ``M(d) = ('right', N)`` is analogous to the case above. * If ``M(d) = ('middle', N, M)``, then the SubDomain spans a contiguous region of ``d_size - (N + M)`` points starting at ``N`` and finishing at ``d_sizeM - M``. Examples -------- An "Inner" SubDomain, which spans the entire domain except for an exterior boundary region of ``thickness=3``, can be implemented as follows >>> from devito import SubDomain >>> class Inner(SubDomain): ... name = 'inner' ... def define(self, dimensions): ... return {d: ('middle', 3, 3) for d in dimensions} Like before, but now spanning the entire ``y`` Dimension of a three-dimensional grid >>> class InnerY(SubDomain): ... name = 'inner_y' ... def define(self, dimensions): ... x, y, z = dimensions ... return {x: ('middle', 3, 3), y: y, z: ('middle', 3, 3)} See Also -------- Domain : An example of preset SubDomain. Interior : An example of preset Subdomain. """ def __subdomain_finalize__(self, grid, **kwargs): # Create the SubDomain's SubDimensions sub_dimensions = [] sdshape = [] counter = kwargs.get('counter', 0) - 1 for k, v, s in zip(self.define(grid.dimensions).keys(), self.define(grid.dimensions).values(), grid.shape): if isinstance(v, Dimension): sub_dimensions.append(v) sdshape.append(s) else: try: # Case ('middle', int, int) side, thickness_left, thickness_right = v if side != 'middle': raise ValueError("Expected side 'middle', not `%s`" % side) sub_dimensions.append(SubDimension.middle('i%d%s' % (counter,, k, thickness_left, thickness_right)) thickness = s-thickness_left-thickness_right sdshape.append(thickness) except ValueError: side, thickness = v if side == 'left': if s-thickness < 0: raise ValueError("Maximum thickness of dimension %s " "is %d, not %d" % (, s, thickness)) sub_dimensions.append(SubDimension.left('i%d%s' % (counter,, k, thickness)) sdshape.append(thickness) elif side == 'right': if s-thickness < 0: raise ValueError("Maximum thickness of dimension %s " "is %d, not %d" % (, s, thickness)) sub_dimensions.append(SubDimension.right('i%d%s' % (counter,, k, thickness)) sdshape.append(thickness) else: raise ValueError("Expected sides 'left|right', not `%s`" % side) self._shape = tuple(sdshape) self._dimensions = tuple(sub_dimensions) self._dtype = grid.dtype
[docs] def define(self, dimensions): """ Parametrically describe the SubDomain w.r.t. a generic Grid. Notes ----- This method should be overridden by each SubDomain subclass. For more information, refer to ``SubDomain.__doc__``. """ raise NotImplementedError
class MultiSubDimension(SubDimension): """ A special SubDimension for graceful lowering of MultiSubDomains. """ def __init_finalize__(self, name, parent, msd): # NOTE: a MultiSubDimension stashes a reference to the originating MultiSubDomain. # This creates a circular pattern as the `msd` itself carries references to # its MultiSubDimensions. This is currently necessary because during compilation # we drop the MultiSubDomain early, but when the MultiSubDimensions are processed # we still need it to create the implicit equations. Untangling this is # definitely possible, but not straightforward = msd lst, rst = self._symbolic_thickness(name) left = parent.symbolic_min + lst right = parent.symbolic_max - rst super().__init_finalize__(name, parent, left, right, ((lst, 0), (rst, 0)), False) def __hash__(self): # There is no possibility for two MultiSubDimensions to ever hash the same, since # a MultiSubDimension carries a reference to a MultiSubDomain, which is unique return id(self) @cached_property def bound_symbols(self): # Unlike a SubDimension, a MultiSubDimension does *not* bind its thickness, # which is rather bound by an Operation (which can alter its value # dynamically so as to implement a MultiSubDomain) return self.parent.bound_symbols class MultiSubDomain(AbstractSubDomain): """ Abstract base class for types representing groups of SubDomains. """ def __hash__(self): # There is no possibility for two MultiSubDomains to ever hash the same since # they are by construction unique and different from each other return id(self) @classmethod def _bounds_glb_to_loc(cls, dec, m, M): """ Translate a SubDomain global bounds, that is thicknesses, into local bounds. """ # There are infinite ways to set `bounds_m` and `bounds_M` to set the size # of an MPI-decomposed local subdomain to 0 iterations, meaning that after # domain decomposition and for the given thicknesses there are 0 iterations # left to execute. However, due to issue #1766, we only have one choice, or # MultiSubDomains might break on GPUs NOITER = (dec.loc_abs_max, 1) bounds_m = np.zeros(m.shape, dtype=m.dtype) bounds_M = np.zeros(m.shape, dtype=m.dtype) for j in range(m.size): lmin = dec.glb_min + m[j] lmax = dec.glb_max - M[j] # Check if the subdomain doesn't intersect with the decomposition if lmin < dec.loc_abs_min and lmax < dec.loc_abs_min: bounds_m[j], bounds_M[j] = NOITER continue if lmin > dec.loc_abs_max and lmax > dec.loc_abs_max: bounds_m[j], bounds_M[j] = NOITER continue if lmin < dec.loc_abs_min: bounds_m[j] = 0 elif lmin > dec.loc_abs_max: bounds_m[j], bounds_M[j] = NOITER continue else: bounds_m[j] = dec.index_glb_to_loc(m[j], LEFT) if lmax < dec.loc_abs_min: bounds_m[j], bounds_M[j] = NOITER continue elif lmax >= dec.loc_abs_max: bounds_M[j] = 0 else: bounds_M[j] = dec.index_glb_to_loc(M[j], RIGHT) return bounds_m, bounds_M class SubDomainSet(MultiSubDomain): """ Class to define a set of N (a positive integer) subdomains. Parameters ---------- **kwargs * N : int Number of subdomains. * bounds : tuple Tuple of numpy int32 arrays representing the bounds of each subdomain. Examples -------- Set up an iterate upon a set of two subdomains: >>> import numpy as np >>> from devito import Grid, Function, Eq, Operator, SubDomainSet >>> Nx = 10 >>> Ny = Nx >>> n_domains = 2 Create a 'SubDomainSet object': >>> class MySubdomains(SubDomainSet): ... name = 'mydomains' Set the bounds of the subdomains. The required format is: (xm, xM, ym, yM, ...) where xm is a vector specifying the number of grid points inwards from the 'left' boundary in the first grid dimension that each subdomain starts. xM is a vector specifying the number of grid points inwards from the 'right' of the domain in the first grid dimension that each subdomain ends. ym and yM are the equivalents for the second grid dimension. >>> xm = np.array([1, Nx/2+1], dtype=np.int32) >>> xM = np.array([Nx/2+1, 1], dtype=np.int32) Along a dimension where all bounds are the same we can use the following shorthand: >>> ym = 1 # which is equivalent to 'np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32)' >>> yM = 1 Combine the data into the required form: >>> bounds = (xm, xM, ym, yM) Create our set of subdomains passing the number of domains and the bounds: >>> my_sd = MySubdomains(N=n_domains, bounds=bounds) Create a grid and iterate a function within the defined subdomains: >>> grid = Grid(extent=(Nx, Ny), shape=(Nx, Ny), subdomains=(my_sd, )) >>> f = Function(name='f', grid=grid, dtype=np.int32) >>> eq = Eq(f, f+1, subdomain=grid.subdomains['mydomains']) >>> op = Operator(eq) >>> summary = op.apply() >>> Data([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int32) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._n_domains = kwargs.get('N', 1) self._global_bounds = kwargs.get('bounds', None) try: self.implicit_dimension warning("`implicit_dimension` is deprecated. You may safely remove it " "from the class definition") except AttributeError: pass def __subdomain_finalize__(self, grid, counter=0, **kwargs): self._grid = grid self._dtype = grid.dtype # Create the SubDomainSet SubDimensions self._dimensions = tuple( MultiSubDimension('%si%d' % (, counter), d, self) for d in grid.dimensions ) # Compute the SubDomainSet shapes global_bounds = [] for i in self._global_bounds: if isinstance(i, int): global_bounds.append(np.full(self._n_domains, i, dtype=np.int32)) else: global_bounds.append(i) d_m = global_bounds[0::2] d_M = global_bounds[1::2] shapes = [] for i in range(self._n_domains): dshape = [] for s, m, M in zip(grid.shape, d_m, d_M): assert(m.size == M.size) dshape.append(s-m[i]-M[i]) shapes.append(as_tuple(dshape)) self._shape = as_tuple(shapes) if grid.distributor and grid.distributor.is_parallel: # Now create local bounds based on distributor processed = [] for dec, m, M in zip(grid.distributor.decomposition, d_m, d_M): processed.extend(self._bounds_glb_to_loc(dec, m, M)) self._local_bounds = as_tuple(processed) else: # Not distributed and hence local and global bounds are # equivalent. self._local_bounds = self._global_bounds # Sanity check if len(self._local_bounds) != 2*len(self.dimensions): raise ValueError("Left and right bounds must be supplied for each dimension") # Associate the `_local_bounds` to suitable symbolic objects that the # compiler can use to generate code n = counter - npresets assert n >= 0 self._implicit_dimension = i_dim = Dimension(name='n%d' % n) functions = [] for j in range(len(self._local_bounds)): index = floor(j/2) d = self.dimensions[index] if j % 2 == 0: fname = "%s_%s" % (, d.min_name) else: fname = "%s_%s" % (, d.max_name) f = Function(name=fname, grid=self._grid, shape=(self._n_domains,), dimensions=(i_dim,), dtype=np.int32) # Check if shorthand notation has been provided: if isinstance(self._local_bounds[j], int):[:] = np.full((self._n_domains,), self._local_bounds[j], dtype=np.int32) else:[:] = self._local_bounds[j] functions.append(f) self._functions = as_tuple(functions) @property def n_domains(self): return self._n_domains @property def bounds(self): return self._local_bounds # Preset SubDomains class Domain(SubDomain): """ The entire computational domain (== boundary + interior). """ name = 'domain' def define(self, dimensions): return dict(zip(dimensions, dimensions)) class Interior(SubDomain): """ The interior of the computational domain (i.e., boundaries are excluded). """ name = 'interior' def define(self, dimensions): return {d: ('middle', 1, 1) for d in dimensions} preset_subdomains = [Domain, Interior] npresets = len(preset_subdomains)