Source code for devito.types.tensor

from collections import OrderedDict
from cached_property import cached_property

import numpy as np
from sympy.core.sympify import converter as sympify_converter

from devito.finite_differences import Differentiable
from import make_shift_x0
from devito.types.basic import AbstractTensor
from devito.types.dense import Function, TimeFunction
from devito.types.utils import NODE

__all__ = ['TensorFunction', 'TensorTimeFunction', 'VectorFunction', 'VectorTimeFunction']

[docs] class TensorFunction(AbstractTensor): """ Tensor valued Function represented as a Matrix. Each component is a Function or TimeFunction. A TensorFunction and the classes that inherit from it takes the same parameters as a DiscreteFunction and additionally: Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the symbol. grid : Grid, optional Carries shape, dimensions, and dtype of the TensorFunction. When grid is not provided, shape and dimensions must be given. For MPI execution, a Grid is compulsory. space_order : int or 3-tuple of ints, optional Discretisation order for space derivatives. Defaults to 1. ``space_order`` also impacts the number of points available around a generic point of interest. By default, ``space_order`` points are available on both sides of a generic point of interest, including those nearby the grid boundary. Sometimes, fewer points suffice; in other scenarios, more points are necessary. In such cases, instead of an integer, one can pass a 3-tuple ``(o, lp, rp)`` indicating the discretization order (``o``) as well as the number of points on the left (``lp``) and right (``rp``) sides of a generic point of interest. shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the domain region in grid points. Only necessary if ``grid`` isn't given. dimensions : tuple of Dimension, optional Dimensions associated with the object. Only necessary if ``grid`` isn't given. dtype : data-type, optional Any object that can be interpreted as a numpy data type. Defaults to ``np.float32``. staggered : Dimension or tuple of Dimension or Stagger, optional Define how the TensorFunction is staggered. initializer : callable or any object exposing the buffer interface, optional Data initializer. If a callable is provided, data is allocated lazily. allocator : MemoryAllocator, optional Controller for memory allocation. To be used, for example, when one wants to take advantage of the memory hierarchy in a NUMA architecture. Refer to `default_allocator.__doc__` for more information. padding : int or tuple of ints, optional .. deprecated:: shouldn't be used; padding is now automatically inserted. Allocate extra grid points to maximize data access alignment. When a tuple of ints, one int per Dimension should be provided. symmetric : bool, optional Whether the tensor is symmetric or not. Defaults to True. diagonal : Bool, optional Whether the tensor is diagonal or not. Defaults to False. staggered: tuple of Dimension, optional Staggering of each component, needs to have the size of the tensor. Defaults to the Dimensions. """ _is_TimeDependent = False _sub_type = Function _class_priority = 10 _op_priority = Differentiable._op_priority + 1. def __init_finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): grid = kwargs.get('grid') dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') inds, _ = Function.__indices_setup__(grid=grid, dimensions=dimensions) self._space_dimensions = inds @classmethod def __subfunc_setup__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates the components of the TensorFunction either from input or from input Dimensions. """ comps = kwargs.get("components") if comps is not None: return comps grid = kwargs.get("grid") if grid is None: dims = kwargs.get('dimensions') if dims is None: raise TypeError("Need either `grid` or `dimensions`") else: dims = grid.dimensions stagg = kwargs.get("staggered", None) name = kwargs.get("name") symm = kwargs.get('symmetric', True) diag = kwargs.get('diagonal', False) funcs = [] # Fill tensor, only upper diagonal if symmetric for i, d in enumerate(dims): funcs2 = [0 for _ in range(len(dims))] start = i if (symm or diag) else 0 stop = i + 1 if diag else len(dims) for j in range(start, stop): kwargs["name"] = "%s_%s%s" % (name,, dims[j].name) kwargs["staggered"] = (stagg[i][j] if stagg is not None else (NODE if i == j else (d, dims[j]))) funcs2[j] = cls._sub_type(**kwargs) funcs.append(funcs2) # Symmetrize and fill diagonal if symmetric if symm: funcs = np.array(funcs) + np.triu(np.array(funcs), k=1).T funcs = funcs.tolist() return funcs def __getattr__(self, name): """ Try calling a dynamically created FD shortcut. Notes ----- This method acts as a fallback for __getattribute__ """ try: return self.applyfunc(lambda x: x if x == 0 else getattr(x, name)) except: raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__, name)) def _eval_at(self, func): """ Evaluate tensor at func location """ def entries(i, j, func): return getattr(self[i, j], '_eval_at', lambda x: self[i, j])(func[i, j]) entry = lambda i, j: entries(i, j, func) return self._new(self.rows, self.cols, entry) @classmethod def __indices_setup__(cls, **kwargs): return Function.__indices_setup__(grid=kwargs.get('grid'), dimensions=kwargs.get('dimensions')) @property def _symbolic_functions(self): return frozenset().union(*[a._symbolic_functions for a in self.values()]) @property def is_TimeDependent(self): return self._is_TimeDependent @property def space_dimensions(self): """Spatial dimensions.""" return self._space_dimensions @cached_property def space_order(self): """The space order for all components.""" return ({a.space_order for a in self} - {None}).pop() @property def is_diagonal(self): """Whether the tensor is diagonal.""" return np.all([self[i, j] == 0 for j in range(self.cols) for i in range(self.rows) if i != j]) def _evaluate(self, **kwargs): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: getattr(x, 'evaluate', x)) def values(self): if self.is_diagonal: return [self[i, i] for i in range(self.shape[0])] elif self.is_symmetric: val = super(TensorFunction, self).values() return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(val)) else: return super(TensorFunction, self).values() def div(self, shift=None): """ Divergence of the TensorFunction (is a VectorFunction). """ comps = [] func = vec_func(self) ndim = len(self.space_dimensions) shift_x0 = make_shift_x0(shift, (ndim, ndim)) for i in range(len(self.space_dimensions)): comps.append(sum([getattr(self[j, i], 'd%s' % (x0=shift_x0(shift, d, i, j)) for j, d in enumerate(self.space_dimensions)])) return func._new(comps) @property def laplace(self): """ Laplacian of the TensorFunction. """ comps = [] func = vec_func(self) for j, d in enumerate(self.space_dimensions): comps.append(sum([getattr(self[j, i], 'd%s2' % for i, d in enumerate(self.space_dimensions)])) return func._new(comps) def grad(self, shift=None): raise AttributeError("Gradient of a second order tensor not supported") def new_from_mat(self, mat): func = tens_func(self) return func._new(self.rows, self.cols, mat) def classof_prod(self, other, mat): try: is_mat = len(mat[0]) > 1 except TypeError: is_mat = False is_time = (getattr(self, '_is_TimeDependent', False) or getattr(other, '_is_TimeDependent', False)) return mat_time_dict[(is_time, is_mat)]
[docs] class VectorFunction(TensorFunction): """ Vector valued space varying Function as a rank 1 tensor of Function. """ is_VectorValued = True is_TensorValued = False _sub_type = Function _is_TimeDependent = False @property def is_transposed(self): return self.shape[0] == 1 @classmethod def __subfunc_setup__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates the components of the VectorFunction either from input or from input dimensions. """ comps = kwargs.get("components") if comps is not None: return comps funcs = [] grid = kwargs.get("grid") if grid is None: dims = kwargs.get('dimensions') if dims is None: raise TypeError("Need either `grid` or `dimensions`") else: dims = grid.dimensions stagg = kwargs.get("staggered", None) name = kwargs.get("name") for i, d in enumerate(dims): kwargs["name"] = "%s_%s" % (name, kwargs["staggered"] = stagg[i] if stagg is not None else d funcs.append(cls._sub_type(**kwargs)) return funcs # Custom repr and str def __str__(self): st = ''.join([' %-2s,' % c for c in self])[1:-1] return "Vector(%s)" % st __repr__ = __str__ def div(self, shift=None): """ Divergence of the VectorFunction, creates the divergence Function. """ shift_x0 = make_shift_x0(shift, (len(self.space_dimensions),)) return sum([getattr(self[i], 'd%s' %, d, None, i)) for i, d in enumerate(self.space_dimensions)]) @property def laplace(self): """ Laplacian of the VectorFunction, creates the Laplacian VectorFunction. """ func = vec_func(self) comps = [sum([getattr(s, 'd%s2' % for d in self.space_dimensions]) for s in self] return func._new(comps) @property def curl(self): """ Gradient of the (3D) VectorFunction, creates the curl VectorFunction. """ if len(self.space_dimensions) != 3: raise AttributeError("Curl only supported for 3D VectorFunction") # The curl of a VectorFunction is a VectorFunction derivs = ['d%s' % for d in self.space_dimensions] comp1 = getattr(self[2], derivs[1]) - getattr(self[1], derivs[2]) comp2 = getattr(self[0], derivs[2]) - getattr(self[2], derivs[0]) comp3 = getattr(self[1], derivs[0]) - getattr(self[0], derivs[1]) func = vec_func(self) return func._new(3, 1, [comp1, comp2, comp3]) def grad(self, shift=None): """ Gradient of the VectorFunction, creates the gradient TensorFunction. """ func = tens_func(self) ndim = len(self.space_dimensions) shift_x0 = make_shift_x0(shift, (ndim, ndim)) comps = [[getattr(f, 'd%s' %, d, i, j)) for j, d in enumerate(self.space_dimensions)] for i, f in enumerate(self)] return func._new(comps) def outer(self, other): comps = [[self[i] * other[j] for i in range(self.cols)] for j in range(self.cols)] func = tens_func(self, other) return func._new(comps) def new_from_mat(self, mat): func = vec_func(self) return func._new(self.rows, 1, mat)
[docs] class TensorTimeFunction(TensorFunction): """ Time varying TensorFunction. """ is_TensorValued = True _sub_type = TimeFunction _is_TimeDependent = True @cached_property def time_order(self): """The time order for all components.""" return ({a.time_order for a in self} - {None}).pop()
[docs] class VectorTimeFunction(VectorFunction, TensorTimeFunction): """ Time varying VectorFunction. """ is_VectorValued = True is_TensorValued = False _sub_type = TimeFunction _is_TimeDependent = True _time_position = 0
mat_time_dict = {(True, True): TensorTimeFunction, (True, False): VectorTimeFunction, (False, True): TensorFunction, (False, False): VectorFunction} def vec_func(*funcs): return (VectorTimeFunction if any([getattr(f, 'is_TimeDependent', False) for f in funcs]) else VectorFunction) def tens_func(*funcs): return (TensorTimeFunction if any([getattr(f, 'is_TimeDependent', False) for f in funcs]) else TensorFunction) def sympify_tensor(arg): return arg sympify_converter[TensorFunction] = sympify_tensor